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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2070

Wilfried Schonborn and S. Jost Casper; [Ansatze fur eine Bilanzierung des Kohlenstoffs in der mittleren Saale]. Limnologica 12(2):255-259, 1980


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In river Saale near the villages of Kaulsdorf-Eichicht (beta-meso- ... oligosaprobic area) and Rothenstein (alpha-mesosaprobic area) essential parts of the carbon-budget were investigated. The investigated components are: dissolved organic carbon and its mineralization, C-content of seston (14C-incorporation, heterotrophic CO2-assimilation of bioseston and decomposition of assimilated C), bacterial organic carbon of seston, C-input by waste water and subsidiary rivers, 14C-assimilation of benthic algae, their respiration, decomposition, and sedimentation, and C-production and respiration of macrozoobenthos.