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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2033

Wilfried Schonborn; The Topophenetic Analysis as a Method to Elucidate the Phylogeny of Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Testacealobosia and Testaceafilosia). Arch.Protistenk. 137:223-245, 1989


In File


The topophenetic method is based on the analysis of morphological trends of Protozoa, extended over differently structured habitats. These habitats can be arranged as a "habitat sereis": algal aufwuchs, Sphagnum, mosses (Bryidae), sediments, soils. The series of habitats is characterized not only typologically but also quantitatively. In the course of this series the range of shell shapes of the inhabiting testate amoebae is increasingly restricted. The algal aufwuchs (primary biotope) permits the Testacea to possess a number of preadaptive features, suitable for the colonization of the other habitats of the series (secondary biotopes). After colonization within these immigration habitats, new species originate postadaptively. With the help of the topophenetic method the new species, derived from the immigrants, can be analyzed phylogenetically. The topophenetic method also gives indications of the genetic mechanisms of the investigated testate amoebae: genetic assimilation, dauermodifications and the differing stability of the genomes. The final stages of the trends have reached a maximum adaptation and represent new genera of families. Not till then does the new genome constellation split into many species at the same adaptation level. The formation of trends takes place permanently and simultaneously in many individuals.