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Ref ID : 1932

M.V.S.S.S. Dhanapathi; Studies on the distribution of Brachionus calyciflorus in India. Arch.Hydrobiol.Beih. 8:226-229, 1977


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Brachionus calyciflorus is highly variable species. Several "varieties" and "formae" of it have been described. Its distribution has been studied in America by Ahlstrom (1940) and in Japan by Yamamoto (1960) and Sudzuki (1964). In India, occurrence of this species was earlier reported from Punjab and Kashmir by Edmondson & Hutchinson (1934), from Nagapur by Arora (1966), from Rajasthan by Nayar (1964, 1965, 1968), and from Kerala by Nayar & Nair (1969). Dhanapathi (1974) has described B. calyciflorus hymani var. nov. from Andhra Pradesh, and has found B. calyciflorus var. dorcus for the first time from India. No attempt has been made so far to study the varieties and formae of this species and their distribution in India. In this paper, taxonomic notes and geographic distribution of B. calyciflorus are given based on collections made at different latitudes in India. One of the varieties, B. calyciflorus var. borgerti, is being reported for the first time from India.