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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1836

David Kuczynski; The rotifer fauna of Argentine Patagonia as a potential limnological indicator. Hydrobiologia 150:3-10, 1987


In File


Plankton samples of rivers, lakes, pools and minor water bodies were taken in the Patagonian Argentine provinces of Rio Negro, Chubut, Neuquen and the Southern part of Buenos Aires. The relationship between physical and chemical characteristics of these waters and their rotifer fauna was analyzed. Sixty taxa were identified, and their value as indicators of temperature, pH, conductivity, total alkalinity and chloride determined. The use of rotifers as indicator species of these variables is discussed. Lecane (M.) closterocerca closterocerca showed a rather wide tolerance to the 5 analyzed factors, and is considered to be euryokous. A classification of water bodies based on conductivity, chloride and alkalinity is proposed.