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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1819

Maria Rosa Miracle and Xavier Armengol-Diaz; Population dynamics of oxiclinal species in lake Arcas-2 (Spain). Hydrobiologia 313/314:291-301, 1995


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'Oxiclinal' rotifer species show high concentrations just above the oxic-anoxic interface in the hypolimnion of some lakes. The stratification of their populations is best shown by sampling at close depth intervals and quantifying their densities by the Utermohl technique. With this technique we were able to count males which otherwise pass through filters and more accurately count egg production. We evaluated female, male and egg numbers of the two main oxiclinal species of lake Arcas-2: Filinia hofmanni and Anuraeopsis fissa, during two annual cycles (1990-91). F. hofmanni was an exclusive oxiclinal species. It had an exponential growth phase at the onset of stratification giving a distinct spring peak. The population then maintained a high density during summer, but was almost absent the rest of the year. This cycle is repeated annually but population density can vary among years, depending on winter-spring circulation. Sexuality was always observed when the animal was present in the samples, with a maximum of males and resting eggs at the peak of the population. Resting eggs were always inside females. The annual cycle of A. fissa is displaced with respect to that of F. hofmanni: A. fissa attained greatest densities during summer, until the autumn overturn. Mixis in A. fissa was restricted to the end of the stratification period. Moreover, A. fissa occured throughout the vertical profile and secondarily occupied the oxicline.