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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1754

Mark Woombs and Johanna Laybourn-Parry; Energy partitioning in three species of nematode from polysaprobic environments. Oecologia (Berlin) 65:289-295, 1985


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The partitioning of energy in three species of nematode, Paroigolaimella bernensis, Diplogasteritus nudicapitatus and Rhabditis curvicaudata, from a polysaprobic environment is considered. Temperature was shown to have a profound impact on the rate at which these organisms obtained food resources and on the partitioning of energy into growth, reproduction and maintenance. Declining temperature resulted in a reduction in energy consumption and in production and maintenance costs. Absorption efficiencies were relatively low, rarely exceeding 20% and lying on average between 5-15%. Net production efficiencies varied throughout the life-cycle, but attained maximum levels of 70-80%. Females achieved higher net production efficiency than males. The physiology and ecological implications are discussed.