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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1703

Maria Rosa Miracle and M.T. Alfonso; Rotifer vertical distributions in a meromictic basin of Lake Banyoles (Spain). Hydrobiologia 255/256:371-380, 1993


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The vertical distribution of rotifer populations has been analyzed in a meromictic basin (III) of the karstic Lake Banyoles. This basin had, at the time of the study, an anaerobic monimolimnion from around 17 m in summer or 21 in winter to 25 m, its maximum depth. However, below this layer a warmer microaerophilic zone with suspended marls is found in a chimney to a depth of 130 m. The rotifer distributions of several years are compared. The presence of large populations of rotifers at the oxic-anoxic interface is constant through the years, but highly variable regarding the total abundance and relative proportions of the species, depending on the importance of the vertical mixing in winter and the posterior segregation of water layers as a function of production and decomposition processes. Filinia hofmanni, Filinia longiseta longiseta are species with a restricted occurrence at the oxycline and are not present in the other non meromictic basins of the lake. Filinia terminalis, more broadly distributed, also has dense populations in summer at the oxycline in basin III, but disappears from the plankton during this season in the other basins. Other species, such as Polyarthra dolichoptera, Anuraeopsis fissa, Keratella cochlearis and Kellicottia longispina, also showed maxima at the oxycline in summer, as well as other maxima in the metalimnion. Populations at the oxycline are probably different ecotypes adapted to low oxygen conditions, but having the advantage of high food availability.