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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1672

Jolanta Ejsmont-Karabin, K. Siewertsen, and Ramesh D. Gulati; Changes in size, biomass and production of Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana Hauer during its lifespan. Hydrobiologia 255/256:77-80, 1993


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Changes in body length, carbon content and somatic and reproductive partitioning of assimilated carbon during the lifespan of Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana Hauer are described. The greatest increase in animal size was observed within the first two days of its lifespan, the biomass (expressed in carbon units) of females increased sharply between 1 and 22 hr after hatching due to high somatic production, and between 53 and 65 hr after hatching due to high reproduction rate. In her lifetime the Euchlanis female used only about 1% of the assimilated carbon for somatic production and as much as 16% of this carbon for reproduction. The possible reasons for, and adaptive advantages of, this phenomenon are discussed.