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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1671

Robert Lee Wallace; Presence of anisotropic (birefringent) crystalline structures in embryonic and juvenile monogonont rotifers. Hydrobiologia 255/256:71-76, 1993


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A systematic survey for the presence of birefringent (anisotropic) structures in rotifers was undertaken. Several common features of rotifers exhibit anisotropism (e.g. trophi & muscles). However, unusual anisotropic crystalline structures (ACS) were found in late stage embryos (i.e. possessing eyespots and trophi, and showing movement). ACS were found in 18 of 26 species of monogonont rotifers (comprising 11 genera of 5 families). In Sinantherina socialis, ACS were present in the lower gut as compact, spherical masses of minute crystals that slowly broke apart and disappeared within 20 hours of hatching. Although several authors have described the existence of refractive bodies in rotifers, to my knowledge this is the first report of their birefringent properties.