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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1639

Malcolm J. McELHONE; The distribution of Naididae (Oligochaeta) in the littoral zone of selected lakes in North Wales and Shropshire. Freshwater Biology 12:421-425, 1982


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The distribution of twenty species of Naididae found in seventeen lakes in North Wales and Shropshire is described. Fewer species were observed in the mountain lakes in Snowdonia in comparison to the more productive lakes of Anglesey and Shropshire. Substrate was an important factor influencing the distribution of naids within lakes. A small number of sexually mature individuals was found in more productive lakes in the summer and autumn months. Sexually mature individuals of Stylaria lacustris were cultured in the laboratory; the population doubled its numbers, by asexual reproduction, in 12 days at 15 degrees C. In Llyn Coron a natural population of S. lacustris doubled its numbers in 40 days. The gut contents of S. lacustris consisted of periphyton.