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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1595

Christopher D. Hewes and Osmund Holm-Hansen; A method for recovering nanoplankton from filters for identification with the microscope: The filter-transfer-freeze (FTF) technique. Limnol.Oceanogr. 28(2):389-394, 1983


In File


A method has been developed to concentrate nanoplankton in natural water samples for transfer to solid surface for light microscopy. Marine phytoplankton are used to demonstrate the convenience and ease of our filter-transfer-freeze (FTF) technique in recovering filtered material, which can be mounted and ready for examination within 30 min. Samples can be observed with standard or inverted microscope using phase contrast, Nomarski interference, or other optical systems. The micro- and nanoplankton mounted on slides prepared by the FTF technique retain their cellular integrity and lifelike appearance.