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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1554

O. Pfannkuche; Distribution, abundance and life cycles of aquatic Oligochaeta (Annelida) in a freshwater tidal flat of the Elbe Estuary. Arch.Hydrobiol/suppl. 43(4):506-524, 1981


In File


The Oligochaete fauna (mainly tubificids and naidids) of a freshwater tidal flat, the "Fahrmannssand", in the freshwater part of the Elbe Estuary was investigated. The distribution patterns in relation to sediment structure and food availability are discussed. The population dynamics of tubificids and naidids differ significantly. The standing stock of tubificids remains fairly constant throughout the year. Breeding activities take place during the whole year. These data are discussed and compared with those of other surveys where seasonal reproduction activities of tubificids were reported. The naidid population fluctuates considerably in size throughout the year. Abundance maxima are mainly found in spring (Nais spp., Paranais frici). Two annual maxima, in early spring and autumn, are exhibited by Amphichaeta leydigii. Some data are presented on oligochaete endoparasites, especially on Caryophyllaeus laticeps (Cestoda).