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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1216

Dee Mitchell, A.M. Asce, James C. Buzzell, Jr., and M. Asce; Estimating eutrophic potential of pollutants. J.Sanitary Engineering Division SA 4:453-465, 1971


In File


1. Diverse natural planktonic algal populations can be maintained under laboratory conditions through the exertion of species invasion pressure upon microcosms comprising mud and water taken from a mesotrophic lake. Such laboratory microcosms may prove to be useful in estimating the algal growth stimulating potential and ecological significance of the addition of extraneous chemicals and other matter to surface waters. 2. The close similarity between the planktonic algal populations developed in microcosms treated in duplicate is evidence that reliable and reproducible results can be obtained. 3. The ecological effects of various chemicals and wastewaters on the planktonic algal population may best be estimated by observing changes in the species diversity index.