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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1124

C.D. Van Raalte, I. Valiela, and J.M. Teal; The effect of fertilization on the species composition of salt marsh diatoms. Water Research 10:1-4, 1976


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The diversity of epibenthic diatoms in a salt marsh was reduced by the fertilization with either sewage sludge or urea. Counts of 500 individuals were sufficient to demonstrate a lower total number of species, a smaller number of rare species and a greater dominance of the most abundant species in the fertilized areas as compared with the controls. Navicula salinarum Grun. which formed 5-9% of the diatoms in the controls became dominant in the fertilized plots, comprising 20-25% of the population.