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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1123

Pier Francesco Ghetti and Giuseppe Bonazzi; A comparison between various criteria for the interpretation of biological data in the analysis of the quality of running water. Water Research 11:819-831, 1977


In File


In this work it is proposed to apply the most common biological criteria for the assessment of water quality to the macroinvertebrate populations in the Torrente Parma. The data concerning both the structure and the dynamics of the macroinvertebrate community over 1 yr have been analysed through the species diversity indexes, the saprobien index and the biotic indexes of Woodiviss and Verneaux-Tuffery. The values obtained by applying the various indexes have been compared. A tentative conversion scale has been developed between the indexes which have given the highest degree of correlation. Furthermore, a synthetic representation of the annual species distribution has been obtained using cluster analysis and Fager's affinity index.