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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1051

Denis H. Lynn and David J.S. Montagnes; Taxonomic descriptions of some conspicuous species of strobilidiine ciliates (Ciliophora: Choreotrichida) from the Isles of Shoals, Gulf of Maine. J.mar.biol.Ass.U.K. 68:639-658, 1988


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Seven species of strobilidiine ciliates from waters surrounding the Isles of Shoals, Gulf of Maine, U.S.A. are described from protargol stains. Strobilidium epacrum n. sp., Strobilidium multinucleatum n. sp., and Strobilidium sphaericum n. sp. are considered new. Strobilidium spiralis n. comb. is proposed for Lohmanniella spiralis since this species is structurally similar to species of the genus Strobilidium. Lohmanniella oviformis is redescribed as the type for the genus. A new family of strobilidiines, the Leegaardiellidae n. fam., is established. Leegaardiella sol n. gen., n. sp., the type for the family and genus, is assigned to a form originally described as new. We suggest that the diversity of strobilidiines will likely lead to establishment of more new higher taxa in the future.