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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1012

Richard S. Stemberger, John J. Gilbert, and Hanover, N.H.; Assessment of threshold food levels and population growth in planktonic rotifers. Arch.Hydrobiol.Beih. 21:269-275, 1985


In File


The food concentration of which zooplankton population growth (r(m)) is zero (the threshold food concentration) was estimated using a laboratory batch-culture technique in which food concentrations were maintained at approximately constant levels. Rotifer populations grown over a wide range of food concentration showed steady-state exponential population growth at each concentration. Different species have different threshold food concentrations and relationships between food concentration and r(m). Plots of r(m) vs. food concentration describe the population growth response curve, from which the maximum value of r(m) and the food concentration for half-maximal population growth can be obtained. These latter Monod parameters together with the threshold food level reflect adaptations of species to resource level and should be useful in predicting the distribution and species in nature.