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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1001

A.P. Saunders-Davies and Rosalind M. Pontin; A centrifugation method for measuring the relative density (specific gravity) of planktonic rotifers (Rotifera), with values for the relative density of Polyarthra major Burckhardt and Keratella cochlearis (Gosse). Hydrobiologia 147:379-381, 1987


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The relative density of Polyarthra major and Keratella cochlearis was measured by centrifugation solutions of different densities. Ficoll was used as the solute. The mean values for the relative density of living specimens of P. major was found to be 1.0277+/-0.0062. The value for preserved animals was lower at 1.0160+/-0.0029. The relative density of fixed specimens of K. cochlearis was measured and found to be approximately 1.0450+/-0.0175.