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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Tricoma Cobb, 1894 (ref. ID; 3571)

Desmoscolecida Filipjev, 1929: Family Desmoscolecidae Shipley, 1896: Subfamily Desmoscolecinae Shipley, 1896 (ref. ID; 3571)

Family Desmoscolecidae (ref. ID; 5365)

Synonym Demanema Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 878)

ref. ID; 878

Body cuticle annulated, provided with raised desmen of secretion and foreign particles; desmen with rounded or triangular outline, separated from each other by naked interzones of 1 cuticular ring. No inversion ring. Head more or less triangular in longitudinal optical section; labial region with or without 6 separate lips with 1 or 2 crowns, each of 6 papillae. Pharynx more or less cylindrical. Endring mainly cylindrical, anteriorly covered by a band of desmos and posteriorly slightly tapered at the level of the spinneret; a minority of the species possess an offset spine-like spinneret. The majority of the Tricoma-species have rounded main rings and a tricomoid endring. In a number of species the anterior and posterior main rings are quadricomoid in shape (i.e. with a triangular outline) without inversion ring, they possess a mainly tricomoid endring except in a small number of species that have a quadricomoid endring (i.e. with a spine-like spinneret). The differences between Tricoma and Quadricoma are small. (ref. ID; 878)

ref. ID; 3571

Type species

Tricoma cincta Cobb, 1894 (ref. ID; 3571)
  1. Tricoma aberrans Kreis, 1937
    See; Paratricoma aberrans (ref. ID; 3571)
  2. Tricoma absidata Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  3. Tricoma adelpha (Greeff, 1869) Stauffer, 1924 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex adelphus Greeff, 1869 (ref. ID; 3571)
  4. Tricoma africana Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 3571)
  5. Tricoma amydramphida Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  6. Tricoma antarctica Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  7. Tricoma aurita Chitwood, 1936 (ref. ID; 3571)
  8. Tricoma bacescui (Paladian & Andriescu, 1963) Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex bacescui Paladian & Andriescu, 1963 (ref. ID; 3571)
  9. Tricoma bathycola Freudenhammer, 1975 (ref. ID; 878)
  10. Tricoma beata Freudenhammer, 1975 (ref. ID; 878)
  11. Tricoma bergensis (Schepotieff, 1907) Filipjev, 1922 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex bergensis Schepotieff, 1907 (ref. ID; 3571)
  12. Tricoma brevirostris (Southern, 1914) Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex brevirostris Southern, 1914 (ref. ID; 3571); Tricoma euxinica Paladian & Andriescu, 1963 (ref. ID; 3571)
  13. Tricoma cincta Cobb, 1894 (ref. ID; 3571)
  14. Tricoma cobbi (Steiner, 1916) n. comb (ref. ID; 878)
    See; Quadricoma cobbi (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Tricoma cobbi Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 878); Quadricoma cobbi (Steiner, 1916) Filipjev, 1922 (ref. ID; 878)
  15. Tricoma crassicoma Steiner, 1916
    See; Quadricoma crassicoma (ref. ID; 3571)
  16. Tricoma crenata Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 3571)
  17. Tricoma cylindricauda Chitwood, 1936 (ref. ID; 3571)
  18. Tricoma demanema Decraemer, 1985 (ref. ID; 878 original paper)
    Syn; Demanema cobbi Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 878); Tricoma cobbi Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 878)
  19. Tricoma denticulata Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  20. Tricoma deuterum (Timm, 1970) n. comb. (ref. ID; 878)
    Syn; Demanema deuterum Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 878)
  21. Tricoma elongata (Panceri, 1876) Stauffer, 1924 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex elongatus Panceri, 1876 (ref. ID; 3571)
  22. Tricoma euxinica Paladian & Andriescu, 1963
    See; Tricoma brevirostris (ref. ID; 3571)
  23. Tricoma filipjevi Stammer, 1935
    See; Quadricoma steineri (ref. ID; 3571)
  24. Tricoma filipjevi Chitwood, 1951
    See; Quadricoma filipjevioides (ref. ID; 3571), Tricoma filipjevioides (ref. ID; 3571)
  25. Tricoma fisheri Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 878, 3571)
  26. Tricoma globocapitata Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  27. Tricoma globulosa Kreis, 1934 (ref. ID; 3571)
  28. Tricoma glutinosa Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 3571)
  29. Tricoma goldeni Decraemer, 1977 (ref. ID; 878)
  30. Tricoma gracilis Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 3571)
  31. Tricoma hopperi Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  32. Tricoma intermedia Steiner, 1916
    See; Quadricoma intermedia (ref. ID; 3571)
  33. Tricoma islandica Kreis, 1963 (ref. ID; 3571)
  34. Tricoma litoralis (Allgen, 1934) Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex litoralis Allgen, 1934 (ref. ID; 3571)
  35. Tricoma longirostris (Southern, 1914) Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex longirostris Southern, 1914 (ref. ID; 3571)
  36. Tricoma lucida Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 2383, 3571)
  37. Tricoma major Cobb, 1912 (ref. ID; 3571)
  38. Tricoma maxima (Schepotieff, 1907) Allgen, 1942 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex maximus Schepotieff, 1907 (ref. ID; 3571)
  39. Tricoma megamphida Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  40. Tricoma meridionalis Kreis, 1934 (ref. ID; 3571)
  41. Tricoma meteora Freudenhammer, 1975 (ref. ID; 878)
  42. Tricoma mirabilis Timm, 1961 (ref. ID; 3571)
  43. Tricoma multiannulata Kreis, 1937 (ref. ID; 3571)
  44. Tricoma nematoides Lorenzen, 1969
    See; Tricoma scanica (ref. ID; 3123)
  45. Tricoma nematoides (Schepotieff, 1908)
    See; Tricoma scanica (ref. ID; 3123)
  46. Tricoma nematoides (Greff) (ref. ID; 5365) or (Greeff, 1869) Stauffer, 1924 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex nematoides Greeff, 1869 (ref. ID; 3571)
  47. Tricoma norvegica (Schepotieff, 1907) Stauffer, 1924 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex norvegicus Schepotieff, 1907 (ref. ID; 3571)
  48. Tricoma parasitifera Kreis, 1934 (ref. ID; 3571)
  49. Tricoma pedunculata Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  50. Tricoma pellucida Allgen, 1935 (ref. ID; 3571)
  51. Tricoma perparvula Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  52. Tricoma platycephala Filipjev, 1922 (ref. ID; 3571)
  53. Tricoma polydesma (Southern, 1914) Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex polydesmus Southern, 1914 (ref. ID; 3571)
  54. Tricoma profunda (Schepotieff, 1907) Stauffer, 1924 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex profundus Schepotieff, 1907 (ref. ID; 3571)
  55. Tricoma robusta Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 3571)
  56. Tricoma rostrata Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 3571)
  57. Tricoma scanica (Allgen, 1935) (ref. ID; 3123)
    Syn; Neoquadricoma arctica Kreis, 1963, comb. nov. (ref. ID; 3123); Tricoma nematoides (Schepotieff, 1908) nec Greeff, 1869, comb. nov. (ref. ID; 3123); Tricoma nematoides Lorenzen, 1969 nec (Greeff, 1869), comb. nov. (ref. ID; 3123)
  58. Tricoma septuaginta Stekhoven, 1942 (ref. ID; 3571)
  59. Tricoma similis Cobb, 1912 (ref. ID; 3571)
  60. Tricoma spinosa Chitwood, 1936
    See; Tricoma steineri (ref. ID; 3571)
  61. Tricoma spinosoides Chitwood, 1951 (ref. ID; 3571)
  62. Tricoma spuria Inglis, 1968 (ref. ID; 3571)
  63. Tricoma steineri De Man, 1922 (ref. ID; 3571) reported year? (ref. ID; 5365)
    Syn; Tricoma spinosa Chitwood, 1936 (ref. ID; 3571)
  64. Tricoma steineri (Filipjev, 1922)
    See; Quadricoma steineri (ref. ID; 3571), Tricoma filipjevi Stammer, 1935 (ref. ID; 3571)
  65. Tricoma strandi (Allgen, 1939) Gerlach, 1958 (ref. ID; 3571)
    Syn; Desmoscolex strandi Allgen, 1939 (ref. ID; 3571)
  66. Tricoma suecica Allgen, 1930 (ref. ID; 3571)
  67. Tricoma suilla Allgen, 1952 (ref. ID; 3571)
  68. Tricoma tenuis Steiner, 1916
    See; Quadricoma tenuis (ref. ID; 3571)
  69. Tricoma timmi Decraemer, 1977 (ref. ID; 878)
  70. Tricoma tubichaeta Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 3571)
  71. Tricoma uncinata Gerlach, 1955 (ref. ID; 3571)

Tricoma demanema Decraemer, 1985 (ref. ID; 878 original paper)


Demanema cobbi Timm, 1970 (ref. ID; 878); Tricoma cobbi Steiner, 1916 (ref. ID; 878)


Tricoma demanema nov. nom. is characterized by its habitus with 29 main rings possessing narrow raised concretion rings, by its rounded head shape with pronounced labial region, by the shape and arrangement of the somatic setae and by the shape of the endring. (ref. ID; 878)


  • Female: Body with 29 main rings. The band of concretion material (desmos) of the main rings is presumably formed around a transverse row of hairy spines (see longitudinal optical section). Anteriorly the concretion rings are more or less quadricomoid in shape with a posterior slope; posteriorly the concretion band is orientated towards the posterior end. On the second main ring the concretion ring shows on both sides a lateral indentation. Somatic setae flattened without differentiation in shape, inserted on high peduncles, distally tapered to an open, and anteriorly bent tip. Labial region pronounced, six labial papillae present. Amphids faint vesicular structures largely covering the head and extending posteriorly onto the first main ring. The amphidial canal ends in a small groove with strongly sclerotized border, in optical section, observable as two thick, short bars. Digestive system typical for the Tricominae. Pharynx 39 µm long. Pharyngo-intestinal junction opposite anterior end of main ring 6. Intestine with large postrectal overlap reaching the endring. Female reproductive system didelphilic-amphidelphic. The posterior branch extends beyond the anus and is provided with a ripe oocyte. Spermathecae present. Vulva situated at the interzone between main rings 17-18. The anterior branch of the genital system is partly outside the body; it was mistaken for a suctoria parasite in Timm (1970). Tail with 5 main rings. Endring with a 24 µm long, covered cylindrical part and a 11 µm long naked tail spike or spinneret. Phasmata not observed. (ref. ID; 878)
  • Male: Unknown. (ref. ID; 878)