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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Thoracostoma Marion, 1870 (ref. ID; 3570)

Enoplida Filijev, 1929: Family Leptosomatidae Filipjev, 1916: Subfamily Thoracostomatinae De Coninck, 1965 (ref. ID; 3570)

ref. ID; 3570

Type species

Thoracostoma echinodon Marion, 1870, subsequent designation by Stiles and Hassal, 1905 (ref. ID; 3570)
  1. Thoracostoma acuticaudatum Jagerskjold, 1901
    See; Synonchus (Jaegerskioeldia) acuticaudatus (ref. ID; 3570)
  2. Thoracostoma amphacanthus (Grube, 1855) Butschli, 1874 (ref. ID; 3570)
    Syn; Hemipsilus amphacanthus Grube, 1855 (ref. ID; 3570)
  3. Thoracostoma anchorilobatum Allgen, 1947
    See; Deontostoma anchorilobatum (ref. ID; 3570)
  4. Thoracostoma angustifissulatum Mawson, 1956 (ref. ID; 3570)
  5. Thoracostoma anocellatum Stekhoven & Mawson, 1955 (ref. ID; 3570)
  6. Thoracostoma antarcticum (Linstow, 1892)
    See; Deontostoma antarcticum (ref. ID; 3570)
  7. Thoracostoma arcticum Ssaweljev, 1912
    See; Deontostoma arcticum (ref. ID; 3570)
  8. Thoracostoma aucklandiae Ditlevsen, 1921
    See; Deontostoma aucklandiae (ref. ID; 3570)
  9. Thoracostoma australe Mawson, 1953 (ref. ID; 3570)
  10. Thoracostoma brachychaites Mawson, 1958
    See; Pseudocella brachychaites (ref. ID; 3570)
  11. Thoracostoma brachylobatum Allgen, 1954 (ref. ID; 3570)
  12. Thoracostoma bruuni Wieser, 1956 (ref. ID; 3570)
  13. Thoracostoma campbelli Ditlevsen, 1921 (ref. ID; 3570)
  14. Thoracostoma cavernicola Wieser, 1954
    See; Pseudocella cavernicola (ref. ID; 3570)
  15. Thoracostoma chilense Steiner, 1921 (ref. ID; 3570)
  16. Thoracostoma citronicauda Wieser, 1954
    See; Pseudocella citronicauda (ref. ID; 3570)
  17. Thoracostoma coecum Ssaweljev, 1912
    See; Pseudocella coeca (ref. ID; 3570)
  18. Thoracostoma comes Turk, 1903
    See; Paratuerkiana comes (ref. ID; 3570)
  19. Thoracostoma conicaudatum Kreis, 1928
    See; Pseudocella saveljevi (ref. ID; 3570), Thoracostoma rotundocaudatus (ref. ID; 3570)
  20. Thoracostoma conicaudatum Steiner, 1916
    See; Phanoderma (Phanoderma) conicaudatum (ref. ID; 3570)
  21. Thoracostoma coronatum (Eberth, 1863) Marion, 1870 (ref. ID; 3570)
    Syn; Enoplus coronatus Eberth, 1863 (ref. ID; 3570); Enoplus globicaudatus A. Schneider, 1866 (ref. ID; 3570); Leptosomatum figuratum Bastian, 1865 (ref. ID; 3570); Thoracostoma echinodon Marion, 1870 (ref. ID; 3570)
  22. Thoracostoma crassidermum Allgen, 1947 (ref. ID; 3570)
  23. Thoracostoma demani Mawson, 1956
    See; Deontostoma demani (ref. ID; 3570)
  24. Thoracostoma denticaudatum (A. Schneider, 1866)
    See; Pseudocella trichodes (ref. ID; 3570)
  25. Thoracostoma dorylaimus Marion, 1870 (ref. ID; 3570)
  26. Thoracostoma echinodon Marion, 1870
    See; Thoracostoma coronatum (ref. ID; 3570)
  27. Thoracostoma elegans Ditlevsen, 1926
    See; Pseudocella elegans (ref. ID; 3570)
  28. Thoracostoma elongatum Ditlevsen, 1926
    See; Deontostoma arcticum (ref. ID; 3570)
  29. Thoracostoma falklandiae Allgen, 1959 (ref. ID; 3570)
  30. Thoracostoma figuratum (Bastian, 1865)
    See; Thoracostoma coronatum (ref. ID; 3570)
  31. Thoracostoma fiiformis (Eberth, 1863) Filipjev, 1921 (ref. ID; 3570)
    Syn; Odontobius filiformis Eberth, 1863 (ref. ID; 3570)
  32. Thoracostoma filipjevi Kreis, 1928
    See; Corythostoma filipjevi (ref. ID; 3570)
  33. Thoracostoma galatheae Wieser, 1956
    See; Synonchoides galatheae (ref. ID; 3570)
  34. Thoracostoma hispanicum Platonova, 1970 (ref. ID; 3570)
  35. Thoracostoma intermedium Schulz, 1932
    See; Pseudocella trichodes (ref. ID; 3570)
  36. Thoracostoma jae Inglis, 1964 (ref. ID; 3570)
  37. Thoracostoma jollaense Allgen, 1947 (ref. ID; 3570)
  38. Thoracostoma karachiense Timm, 1959
    See; Deontostoma karachiense (ref. ID; 3570)
  39. Thoracostoma kreisi Wieser, 1953
    See; Corythostoma kreisi (ref. ID; 3570)
  40. Thoracostoma lobatum Steiner, 1916
    See; Deontostoma lobatum (ref. ID; 3570)
  41. Thoracostoma macrochaetum Allgen, 1957 (ref. ID; 3570)
  42. Thoracostoma magnificum Timm, 1951
    See; Deontostoma magnificum (ref. ID; 3570)
  43. Thoracostoma microfenestratum Allgen, 1959 (ref. ID; 3570)
  44. Thoracostoma microlobatum Allgen, 1947 (ref. ID; 3570)
  45. Thoracostoma montredonense Marion, 1870
    See; Deontostoma montredonense (ref. ID; 3570)
  46. Thoracostoma multipapillosum Allgen, 1957 (ref. ID; 3570)
  47. Thoracostoma obliquum Ditlevsen, 1926
    See; Pseudocella obliqua (ref. ID; 3570)
  48. Thoracostoma pacificum Murphy, 1965
    See; Deontostoma magnificum (ref. ID; 3570)
  49. Thoracostoma panamaense Allgen, 1947
    See; Pseudocella panamaensis (ref. ID; 3570)
  50. Thoracostoma papillosum Ditlevsen, 1921 (ref. ID; 3570)
  51. Thoracostoma parasetosum Mawson, 1958 (ref. ID; 3570)
  52. Thoracostoma penduli Allgen, 1954 (ref. ID; 3570)
  53. Thoracostoma philippinense Allgen, 1951 (ref. ID; 3570)
  54. Thoracostoma polare Cobb, 1914
    See; Deontostoma antarcticum (ref. ID; 3570)
  55. Thoracostoma polychaites Mawson, 1958
    See; Pseudocella polychaites (ref. ID; 3570)
  56. Thoracostoma pseudocellum Filipjev, 1927
    See; Pseudocella pseudocella (ref. ID; 3570)
  57. Thoracostoma rotundocaudatum
    See; Pseudocella saveljevi (ref. ID; 3570)
  58. Thoracostoma saveljevi Filipjev, 1927
    See; Pseudocella saveljevi (ref. ID; 3570)
  59. Thoracostoma schizoepistylium Mawson, 1958 (ref. ID; 3570)
  60. Thoracostoma schneideri Butschli, 1874
    See; Pseudocella trichodes (ref. ID; 3570)
  61. Thoracostoma setigerum Marion, 1870
    See; Phanoderma (Phanoderma) setigerum (ref. ID; 3570)
  62. Thoracostoma setosum (Linstow, 1896) De Man, 1904 (ref. ID; 3570)
    Syn; Leptosomatum setosum Linstow, 1896 (ref. ID; 3570)
  63. Thoracostoma sivertseni Allgen, 1957 (ref. ID; 3570)
  64. Thoracostoma steineri Micoletzky, 1922 (ref. ID; 3570)
  65. Thoracostoma strasseni Turk, 1903
    See; Tuerkiana strasseni (ref. ID; 3570)
  66. Thoracostoma tabarini Inglis, 1958
    See; Pseudocella tabarini (ref. ID; 3570)
  67. Thoracostoma trachygaster Hope, 1967 (ref. ID; 3570)
  68. Thoracostoma trichodes (Leuckart, 1849)
    See; Pseudocella trichodes (ref. ID; 3570)
  69. Thoracostoma unifenestratum Allgen, 1959 (ref. ID; 3570)
  70. Thoracostoma vallini Allgen, 1928 (ref. ID; 3570)
  71. Thoracostoma washingtonense Murphy, 1965
    See; Deontostoma washingtonense (ref. ID; 3570)
  72. Thoracostoma zeae Inglis, 1964 (ref. ID; 3570)
  73. Thoracostoma zolae Marion, 1870 (ref. ID; 3570)