    Format:A4; PDF (printable); maximum 2 pages
    Margins:25 mm on top and bottom; 20 mm on right and left
    Font Style:Times New Roman
    Contents:1.Title (16 pt.; bold; center justified)
    2. Author and co-authors (12 pt.; center justified)i
    3. Affiliations including country names (12 pt.; center justified)ii
    4. Main Text (10 pt., full justified, 300-word limit)iii
    5. Keywords (up to 5 words)
    1. Please indicate the presenter with an asterisk (*) and write the reference number of the affiliated organization after each name (superscripted).
    2. Please list organizations that all authors are affiliated with reference numbers.
    3. In addition to the 300-word main text, one or two small figures (either in color or black/white) can be included in the abstract.
    Sample Abstract:click here to download the sample abstract.
    File name: IW15_Givenname_Familyname.pdf
    • In case you need to submit a revised version, please add an identification number at the end of each file name as "IW15_Givenname_Familyname_number.pdf ".
    • In case you need to submit multiple abstracts for different presentations, please add a letter in alphabetical order (a, b, c…) at the end of each file name as "IW15_Givenname_Familyname_a.pdf " In both cases above, please also inform the secretariat.
NOTE: The submitted abstracts will be posted on the IWGGMS-15 website.