Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Dry Air Mole Fraction at Nainital, India

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The dataset is CO dry air mole fraction in the air sample which is collected by the weekly flask sampling at Nainital, India since 2006.


Release date
Temporal coverage
2006/09/29 - 2020/12/30
Data provider
Email: cgerdb_admin(at)
File format
Data volume
72 KB
ver.2022.0 (Last updated: 2022/03/01)

Data Set

CO [ppb]
Observation period
From 2006/09/29 (ongoing)
29.36°N, 79.46°E
Elevation: 1940 m
Sampling height: 7 m above ground
Measurement method
Flask samples were collected from September 2006 in Nainital, India. Inlets were mounted at 7 m above ground level (on the roof of the second floor of the station) in Nainital. Air samples were collected once a week (usually on Wednesdays) at 14:00 LT into a 1.5 L Pyrex flask with two stopcocks sealed with Viton O-rings via a sampling line. The sampling line contained a diaphragm pump and a freezer for dehumidification by a glass trap. The sampling flow rate was approximately 2 L min−1, and the sample was passed through a −30 ℃ cooler and pressurized to 0.25 MPa after 10 min flushing through the sampling tube and flask. The sampled flasks were packed in a cardboard box and transported to the laboratory of the Center for Global Environmental Research (CGER), National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (NIES) (transportation period: 3–7 d), for analyses.
An air sample was passed through a −80 ℃ cold trap for dehumidification and was delivered to each instrument with a flow rate of 40 mL min−1. A gas chromatograph with a reduction gas detector (GC-RGD; Agilent Technologies, HP-5890+Trace Analytical RGD-2 or Peak Laboratories, Peak Performer 1 RCP) was used for analyses.
Calculation method
The sample was injected into the analytical system three times per one flask, and the working standard gases were analyzed after every two flasks. Dry-air mole fractions were measured against each of their working standard gases, which were calibrated with NIES secondary standard gas series (CO-NIES09 scale).
The mole fractions of the respective working standard gases are 59.84, 164.57, 267.33, and 373.54 ppb for CO.
In Situ Land-based Platforms > Ground Stations
Atmosphere > Atmospheric Chemistry > Carbon and Hydrocarbon Compounds > Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide
[Free keywords]
Nainital, India, Indo-Gangetic Plain, Himalaya, Carbon Monoxide, CO, NIES, Flask sampling
Update history
Dataset was created. ver.2022.0.


Project Manager
Shohei Nomura*1, Toshinobu Machida*1, Motoki Sasakawa*1, Manish Naja*2
*1 Earth System Division, NIES
*2 Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, India

Reference Information

Supplementary Materials
Nomura, S., Naja, M., Ahmed, M., K., Mukai, H., Terao, Y., Machida, T., Sasakawa, M., and Patra, P. K. (2021). Measurement report: Regional characteristics of seasonal and long-term variations in greenhouse gases at Nainital, India and Comilla, Bangladesh. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 16427–16452, 2021, doi:10.5194/acp-21-16427-2021.

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Citation format
When this data set is referred to in publications, it should be cited in the following format.
Terao, Y., Nomura, S., Mukai, H., Machida, T., Sasakawa, M., and Naja, M. (2022), Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Dry Air Mole Fraction at Nainital, India, ver.xxxx.x *1, NIES, DOI:10.17595/20220301.005. (Reference date*2: YYYY/MM/DD)
*1 The version number is indicated in the data file.
*2 As the reference date, please indicate the date you downloaded the files.

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