Latest Update:2024/08/31 11:04:42


Researcher Name
Div (Section) name/title
Social Systems Division(Decarbonization Measures Assessment Section)/Chief Senior Researcher
Research Subject
Modeling on relationship between lifestyle and environmental load generation
Doctor of engineering
Professional Qualification(s)
Civil Engineering,Sociology
Environmental Speciality Field
global warming,household waste generation
Membership of Academic Society
Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE),Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (SEEPS),Society of Environmetal Science
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26811 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26839 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 26853 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26862 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26870 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26872 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26904 : Research on Quantification of Roadmap toward Climate Neutral Society in Asian Developing Countries
    • 26946 : Analysis of Japan
    • 27091 : Evaluation of emission scenarios for mitigating environmental impacts caused by Short-Lived Climate Forcers
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26406 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26427 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 26439 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26452 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26457 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26458 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26531 : Research on Quantification of Roadmap toward Climate Neutral Society in Asian Developing Countries
    • 26649 : Evaluation of emission scenarios for mitigating environmental impacts caused by Short-Lived Climate Forcers
    • 26689 : Analysis of Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25984 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25986 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 25991 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 26016 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26017 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26018 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26033 : Impact of changes in socio-economic activity and consumption behavior on realization of decarbonized society in Japan
    • 26034 : Research on the impact of working styles on society and the environment
    • 26132 : Research on Quantification of Roadmap toward Climate Neutral Society in Asian Developing Countries
    • 26251 : Evaluation of emission scenarios for mitigating environmental impacts caused by Short-Lived Climate Forcers
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25504 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25524 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 25533 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 25708 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 25709 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 25710 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 25791 : Evaluation of emission scenarios for mitigating environmental impacts caused by Short-Lived Climate Forcers
    • 25794 : Assessment of further reduction of GHG emissions in Asian countries and benefit to Japan by assisting their reduction efforts
    • 25796 : Impact assessment on environment, economy and society of food loss reduction in Japan
    • 25797 : Impact of changes in socio-economic activity and consumption behavior on realization of decarbonized society in Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25100 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 25127 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 25149 : Studies on Development of Global and Asian Sustainability Scenarios
    • 25150 : Study on Development of Integrated Roadmap for Environment and Society at Regional Scale Focusing Adaptation and Mitigation
    • 25151 : Policy Evaluation for Environmentally Sustainable Society
    • 25166 : Impact of changes in socio-economic activity and consumption behavior on realization of decarbonized society in Japan
    • 25184 : Studies on Adaptation Strategies Considering Social Change
    • 25194 : Assessment of further reduction of GHG emissions in Asian countries and benefit to Japan by assisting their reduction efforts
    • 25195 : Impact assessment on environment, economy and society of food loss reduction in Japan
    • 25405 : Shared socioeconomic pathways for climate change impact and adaptation assessment in Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24697 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24729 : Studies on Development of Global and Asian Sustainability Scenarios
    • 24730 : Study on Development of Integrated Roadmap for Environment and Society at Regional Scale Focusing Adaptation and Mitigation
    • 24731 : Policy Evaluation for Environmentally Sustainable Society
    • 24757 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 24867 : Assessment of further reduction of GHG emissions in Asian countries and benefit to Japan by assisting their reduction efforts
    • 24868 : Impact assessment on environment, economy and society of food loss reduction in Japan
    • 24869 : Discussion on integrated assessment model on environment and economy of diffusion of ICT services
    • 24986 : Integrated analyses of climate policies for simultaneous realization of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs
    • 24990 : Studies on Adaptation Strategies Considering Social Change
    • 25049 : Shared socioeconomic pathways for climate change impact and adaptation assessment in Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24312 : Studies on development of global and Asian sustainability scenarios
    • 24313 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 24314 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 24340 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 24356 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24459 : Integrated Analyses of Climate Policies for Simultaneous Realization of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs
    • 24546 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
    • 24549 : Development of integrated assessment model to assess environmental and economic impacts of ICT services
    • 24558 : Shared Socioeconomic Pathways for Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Assessment in Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23814 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 23815 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 23816 : Studies on development of global and Asian sustainability scenarios
    • 23846 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23861 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 24072 : Integrated Analyses of Climate Policies for Simultaneous Realization of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs
    • 24160 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23423 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23424 : Studies on development of global and Asian sustainability scenarios
    • 23425 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 23426 : Policy evaluation for environmentally sustainable society
    • 23443 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 23556 : Research on Evaluation of Mitigation Strategies to achieve Long-term Reduction Targets of Greenhouse Gases in Japan and the World
    • 23561 : Behaviour change and CO2 emission caused by taking community efficiency measures considering social challenges
    • 23724 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 22994 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 23019 : Sustainable Society and Policy
    • 23020 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 23021 : A research for the sustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles
    • 23079 : A Study of Science and Technology Literacy of Public for consensus building on environmental policy making
    • 23149 : Research on Evaluation of Mitigation Strategies to achieve Long-term Reduction Targets of Greenhouse Gases in Japan and the World
    • 23154 : Collection of data and information to support development of integrated assessment model assessing sustainable society
    • 23156 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
    • 23195 : Behaviour change and CO2 emission caused by taking community efficiency measures considering social challenges
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22582 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 22607 : Sustainable Society and Policy
    • 22608 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 22609 : A research for the sustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles
    • 22633 : A Study of Science and Technology Literacy of Public for consensus building on environmental policy making
    • 22688 : Collection of data and information to support development of integrated assessment model assessing sustainable society
    • 22689 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
    • 22723 : A Study on the climate change impact assessment and adaptation strategies utilizing integrated assessment model
    • 22795 : Behaviour change and CO2 emission caused by taking community efficiency measures considering social challenges
    • 22816 : Research on Evaluation of Mitigation Strategies to achieve Long-term Reduction Targets of Greenhouse Gases in Japan and the World
    • 22896 : Basic research on greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste and waste water in Asia
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22166 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 22192 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 22193 : A research for the sustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles
    • 22241 : A study for changing values, risk perception and acceptance towards technology and the society
    • 22424 : A Study on the climate change impact assessment and adaptation strategies utilizing integrated assessment model
    • 22454 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 22456 : Collection of data and information to support development of integrated assessment model assessing sustainable society
    • 22458 : Assessment of impacts of climate policy in Japan in the backdrop of global climate policy using Integrated Assessment Model
    • 22459 : Assessment of environmental effects caused by various mitigation plans of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs); Research on future development and emission scenario
    • 22567 : Basic research on greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste and waste water in Asia
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21737 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 21763 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 21764 : A research for the sustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles
    • 21844 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 21851 : A Study on the climate change impact assessment and adaptation strategies utilizing integrated assessment model
    • 21900 : A study for changing values, risk perception and acceptance towards technology and the society
    • 22051 : Assessment of Impacts of Climate Policy in Japan in the Backdrop of Global Climate Policy Using Integrated Assessment Model
    • 22055 : Collection of data and information to support development of integrated assessment model assessing sustainable society
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21294 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 21321 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 21322 : A research for the sustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles
    • 21390 : A Study on the climate change impact assessment and adaptation strategies utilizing integrated assessment model
    • 21418 : Collection of data and information to support development of integrated assessment model assessing sustainable society
    • 21419 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 21421 : Assessment of Impacts of Climate Policy in Japan in the Backdrop of Global Climate Policy Using Integrated Assessment Model
    • 21452 : Development of water demand and trade models for a global water resources model and their application to long term scenario analyses
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20969 : A Study on the climate change impact assessment and adaptation strategies utilizing integrated assessment model
    • 21105 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 21107 : Development of climate change scenarios and assessment of climate policies using Asia-Pacific Integrated Model
    • 21109 : Collection of data and information for improving integrated assessment model
    • 21124 : Development of water demand and trade models for a global water resources model and their application to long term scenario analyses
    • 21234 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20546 : Collection of data and information for improving integrated assessment model
    • 20547 : Development of climate change scenarios and assessment of climate policies using Asia-Pacific Integrated Model
    • 20549 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 20597 : Development of water demand and trade models for a global water resources model and their application to long term scenario analyses
    • 20724 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20033 : Collection of data and information for improving integrated assessment model
    • 20187 : Development of climate change scenarios and assessment of climate policies using Asia-Pacific Integrated Model
    • 20233 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10424 : Integrated analysis of mitigation and adaptation measures to global warming with Asia-Pacific Integrated Model
    • 10577 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
    • 10602 : Collection of data and information for improving integrated assessment model
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Book
  • Other Publications
  • Chapter 14: Forecast of Future Impacts of Using ICT Services on GHG Emissions Reduction and GDP Growth in Japan
    Presenter : Zhang X., Shinozuka M., Tanaka Y., Kanamori Y., Masui T.
    Title : , EcoDesign and Sustainability II Social Perspectives and Sustainability Assessment (2020)
  • Estimation on residential energy consumption in Japan and China based on energy service supply-demand structure
    Presenter : Kanamori Y.
    Title : , Proceedings of 16th conference of ERSCP and 7th conference of EMSU (2013)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture