Latest Update:2024/08/31 11:04:31

ASHINA Shuichi

Researcher Name
ASHINA Shuichi
Div (Section) name/title
Social Systems Division(Decarbonization Measures Assessment Section)/Head
Research Subject
Researches on National and Local Decarbonization Scenarios in Japan and Asia
Professional Qualification(s)
Mechanical Engineering,System Engineering
Environmental Speciality Field
System engineering,Energy,Envinronment-Energy modeling
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26811 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26839 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 26841 : Co-designing solution and its implementation to develop sustainable regional society
    • 26844 : Evaluation and analysis of regional revitalization and sustainable reconstruction town development
    • 26849 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26853 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26862 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26870 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26872 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26904 : Research on Quantification of Roadmap toward Climate Neutral Society in Asian Developing Countries
    • 26946 : Analysis of Japan
    • 27070 : Development of Regional Planning System of Green Innovation for a Decarbonized Society and Establishment of Social Implementation Network through Regional Coalition Action
    • 27072 : Development of a regional CO2 visualization system using ICT and an evaluation process for decarbonization hub projects and decarbonization policies using the system
    • 27100 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26406 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 26427 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 26428 : Co-designing solution and its implementation to develop sustainable regional society
    • 26431 : Evaluation and analysis of regional revitalization and sustainable reconstruction town development
    • 26436 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26439 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 26452 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26457 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26458 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26519 : Development of Regional Planning System of Green Innovation for a Decarbonized Society and Establishment of Social Implementation Network through Regional Coalition Action
    • 26531 : Research on Quantification of Roadmap toward Climate Neutral Society in Asian Developing Countries
    • 26569 : Development of a regional CO2 visualization system using ICT and an evaluation process for decarbonization hub projects and decarbonization policies using the system
    • 26689 : Analysis of Japan
    • 26736 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 26765 : Development of future scenarios and response options for population, land and infrastructure
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 25984 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25986 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 25991 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 25992 : Co-designing solution and its implementation to develop sustainable regional society
    • 25996 : Evaluation and analysis of regional revitalization and sustainable reconstruction town development
    • 26002 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 26016 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 26017 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 26018 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 26033 : Impact of changes in socio-economic activity and consumption behavior on realization of decarbonized society in Japan
    • 26132 : Research on Quantification of Roadmap toward Climate Neutral Society in Asian Developing Countries
    • 26162 : Development of Integrated Assessment Approach for Designing and Assessing the Socio-economic Impact on Regional Circular and Ecological Sphere utilizing Regional Resources
    • 26163 : Development of analytical method for real-time electricity consumption using AI and statistical method and its demonstration by observed data
    • 26165 : Development of Regional Planning System of Green Innovation for a Decarbonized Society and Establishment of Social Implementation Network through Regional Coalition Action
    • 26293 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25504 : Decarbonized and Sustainable Society Research Program
    • 25524 : Development of a regional evaluation tool to resolve regional and lifestyle issues and achieve sustainability goals simultaneously
    • 25525 : Co-designing solution and its implementation to develop sustainable regional society
    • 25528 : Evaluation and analysis of regional revitalization and sustainable reconstruction town development
    • 25533 : Quantification of National Decarbonization and Sustainable Society Scenarios
    • 25536 : Research on Advancement of Climate Change Impact Assessment Methodology
    • 25658 : Development of Integrated Assessment Approach for Designing and Assessing the Socio-economic Impact on Regional Circular and Ecological Sphere utilizing Regional Resources
    • 25674 : Intellectual research infrastructure development:Systematic monitoring, development of information on impact prediction and adaptation, and development of tools in the field of climate change adaptation
    • 25708 : Social systems domain: Foresight and advanced basic research
    • 25709 : Social systems domain: Policy-oriented research
    • 25710 : Social systems domain: Intellectual research infrastructure development
    • 25711 : Development of analytical method for real-time electricity consumption using AI and statistical method and its demonstration by observed data
    • 25790 : Development of Regional Planning System of Green Innovation for a Decarbonized Society and Establishment of Social Implementation Network through Regional Coalition Action
    • 25794 : Assessment of further reduction of GHG emissions in Asian countries and benefit to Japan by assisting their reduction efforts
    • 25797 : Impact of changes in socio-economic activity and consumption behavior on realization of decarbonized society in Japan
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25100 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 25102 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 25127 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 25130 : Research on Roadmap Development Toward Low Carbon Society in the World
    • 25149 : Studies on Development of Global and Asian Sustainability Scenarios
    • 25150 : Study on Development of Integrated Roadmap for Environment and Society at Regional Scale Focusing Adaptation and Mitigation
    • 25156 : The development of regional information systems for environmental renovation
    • 25166 : Impact of changes in socio-economic activity and consumption behavior on realization of decarbonized society in Japan
    • 25184 : Studies on Adaptation Strategies Considering Social Change
    • 25194 : Assessment of further reduction of GHG emissions in Asian countries and benefit to Japan by assisting their reduction efforts
    • 25309 : Development of Integrated Assessment Approach for Designing and Assessing the Socio-economic Impact on Regional Circular and Ecological Sphere utilizing Regional Resources
    • 25313 : Comprehensive research design for integrative evaluation for Sustainable Development Goals
    • 25314 : The Fourth Environmental Economics Policy Research: Development of indices and assessment systems for comprehensive review of Fifth Basic Environment Plan
    • 25327 : Studies on Advancing the Methods for Climate Change Impacts Assessment
  • Fiscal Year: 2019
    • 24697 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24710 : Research on Roadmap Development Toward Low Carbon Society in the World
    • 24729 : Studies on Development of Global and Asian Sustainability Scenarios
    • 24730 : Study on Development of Integrated Roadmap for Environment and Society at Regional Scale Focusing Adaptation and Mitigation
    • 24737 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 24738 : The development of regional information systems for environmental renovation
    • 24757 : Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)
    • 24867 : Assessment of further reduction of GHG emissions in Asian countries and benefit to Japan by assisting their reduction efforts
    • 24883 : Innovative modelling and monitoring research toward low carbon society and eco-citie and regions,2019
    • 24915 : The Fourth Environmental Economics Policy Research: Development of indices and assessment systems for comprehensive review of Fifth Basic Environment Plan
    • 24919 : Comprehensive research design for integrative evaluation for Sustainable Development Goals
    • 24954 : Development of analytical models for low carbon re-development planning coupling with resources and energy use, and their application to municipalities
    • 24956 : Development of holistic low carbon scenario design model for cities and regions and its demonstration in Japan and Indonesia
    • 24975 : Studies on Advancing the Methods for Climate Change Impacts Assessment
    • 24986 : Integrated analyses of climate policies for simultaneous realization of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs
    • 24990 : Studies on Adaptation Strategies Considering Social Change
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24293 : Research on roadmap development toward low carbon society in the world
    • 24312 : Studies on development of global and Asian sustainability scenarios
    • 24314 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 24329 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 24330 : The development of regional information systems for Environmental Renovation
    • 24340 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 24356 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 24399 : Innovative Modelling and Monitoring Research toward Low Carbon Society and Eco-Citie and Regions,2018
    • 24400 : Comprehensive Research Design for Integrative Evaluation for Sustainable Development Goals
    • 24459 : Integrated Analyses of Climate Policies for Simultaneous Realization of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs
    • 24542 : Development of Analytical Models for Low Carbon Re-development Planning coupling with Resources and Energy Use, and their Application to Municipalities
    • 24544 : Development of Holistic Low Carbon Scenario Design Model for Cities and Regions and its Demonstration in Japan and Indonesia
    • 24546 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 23815 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 23816 : Studies on development of global and Asian sustainability scenarios
    • 23835 : Research on roadmap development toward low carbon society in the world
    • 23846 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23861 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 23869 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 23870 : The development of regional information systems for Environmental Renovation
    • 23912 : Development of indicators aimed at assessing countries
    • 24072 : Integrated Analyses of Climate Policies for Simultaneous Realization of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs
    • 24126 : Development of Analytical Models for Low Carbon Re-development Planning coupling with Resources and Energy Use, and their Application to Municipalities
    • 24127 : Development of Holistic Low Carbon Scenario Design Model for Cities and Regions and its Demonstration in Japan and Indonesia
    • 24160 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
    • 24187 : Innovative Modelling and Monitoring Research toward Low Carbon Society and Eco-Citie and Regions,2017
    • 24188 : Low Carbon Technology Assessment Program
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23401 : Research on roadmap development toward low carbon society in the world
    • 23423 : Environment-Economy-Society Integration Research Program
    • 23424 : Studies on development of global and Asian sustainability scenarios
    • 23425 : Study on development of integrated roadmap for environment and society at regional scale focusing adaptation and mitigation
    • 23432 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 23433 : The development of regional information systems for Environmental Renovation
    • 23443 : Climate Change Strategy Collaboration Office
    • 23536 : Development of indicators aimed at assessing countries
    • 23556 : Research on Evaluation of Mitigation Strategies to achieve Long-term Reduction Targets of Greenhouse Gases in Japan and the World
    • 23619 : Innovative Modelling and Monitoring Research toward Low Carbon Society and Eco-Citie and Regions,2016
    • 23642 : Planning and Evaluation Model for Green Growth Centers based on Spatial Inventory Analysis
    • 23724 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
    • 23792 : Low Carbon Technology Assessment Program
    • 23793 : Development of Low Carbon Society(LCS) Scenarios for Asian Region
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 22994 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 23015 : Development of spatial scenarios of cities in view of mitigation and adaptation
    • 23019 : Sustainable Society and Policy
    • 23020 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 23040 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 23042 : Development of Regional Model for Environmental Renovation Scenarios
    • 23052 : Development of indicators aimed at assessing countries' climate change mitigation policies
    • 23149 : Research on Evaluation of Mitigation Strategies to achieve Long-term Reduction Targets of Greenhouse Gases in Japan and the World
    • 23156 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
    • 23182 : Planning and Evaluation Model for Green Growth Centers based on Spatial Inventory Analysis
    • 23289 : Innovative Modelling and Monitoring Research toward Low Carbon Society and Eco-Citie and Regions,2015
    • 23340 : Development of Low Carbon Society(LCS) Scenarios for Asian Region
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22582 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 22603 : Development of spatial scenarios of cities in view of mitigation and adaptation
    • 22607 : Sustainable Society and Policy
    • 22608 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 22652 : Environmental Renovation Research Program
    • 22654 : Development of Regional Model for Environmental Renovation Scenarios
    • 22689 : Improvement of Integrated Assessment Model and Quantification of Future Scenarios
    • 22813 : Planning and Evaluation Model for Green Growth Centers based on Spatial Inventory Analysis
    • 22816 : Research on Evaluation of Mitigation Strategies to achieve Long-term Reduction Targets of Greenhouse Gases in Japan and the World
    • 22956 : Development, Research, and Validation for Technology Assessment of Low Carbon Society,2014
    • 22960 : Innovative Modelling and Monitoring Research toward Low Carbon Society and Eco-Citie and Regions,2014
    • 22979 : Development of Low Carbon Society(LCS) Scenarios for Asian Region
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22166 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 22187 : Development of spatial scenarios of cities in view of mitigation and adaptation
    • 22192 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 22213 : Research for Innovative Recovery for the Regional Environment after the Disaster
    • 22454 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 22458 : Assessment of impacts of climate policy in Japan in the backdrop of global climate policy using Integrated Assessment Model
    • 22459 : Assessment of environmental effects caused by various mitigation plans of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs); Research on future development and emission scenario
    • 22542 : Development of Low Carbon Society(LCS) Scenarios for Asian Region
    • 22555 : Project on support of NAMA establishment
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21737 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 21758 : Development of Spatial Scenarios of Cities in view of Mitigation and Adaptation
    • 21763 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 21840 : Development of Low Carbon Society(LCS) Scenarios for Asian Region
    • 21844 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 22051 : Assessment of Impacts of Climate Policy in Japan in the Backdrop of Global Climate Policy Using Integrated Assessment Model
    • 22154 : Project on Capacity development of Bilateral Off-set Credit Mechanism (BOCM) -MRV towards the development of low carbon growth strategies and their roadmap in Asia
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21294 : Comprehensive climate policy assessment and development of visions and scenarios towards a low-carbon society
    • 21316 : Development of Spatial Scenarios of Cities in view of Mitigation and Adaptation
    • 21321 : Research on Future Scenario for Sustainabele Society
    • 21419 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 21421 : Assessment of Impacts of Climate Policy in Japan in the Backdrop of Global Climate Policy Using Integrated Assessment Model
    • 21463 : Empirical study on sustainable work style in National Institute for Environmental Studies by using simulation and posterior analysis methods
    • 21610 : Development of Low Carbon Society(LCS) Scenarios for Asian Region
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 20888 : A study on developing scenarios of regional population distribution toward mitigation and adaptation societies for Climate Change
    • 21105 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 21107 : Development of climate change scenarios and assessment of climate policies using Asia-Pacific Integrated Model
    • 21234 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20547 : Development of climate change scenarios and assessment of climate policies using Asia-Pacific Integrated Model
    • 20549 : Scenario development to realize low carbon societies in Asian countries
    • 20724 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
  • Fiscal Year: 2008
    • 20187 : Development of climate change scenarios and assessment of climate policies using Asia-Pacific Integrated Model
    • 20233 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
    • 20273 : Development of long-term scenario for national climate change policy
  • Fiscal Year: 2007
    • 10404 : Development of long-term scenario for national climate change policy
    • 10577 : Developing visions for a low carbon society and integrated analysis of climate policies
  • Fiscal Year: 2006
    • 10098 : Development of long-term scenario for national climate change policy
    • 10229 : Development of economic models to assess climate policies
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
  • Book
  • Other Publications
  • GHG Reduction Potential in Asia
    Presenter : Masui T., Ashina S., Fujimori S., Kainuma M.
    Title : , Enabling Asia to Stabilise the Climate (2015)
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation
  • Research Lecture
  • Presenter : Masui T., Hibino G., Ashina S., Silva D., Kanamori Y.
    Name of Society : Pre‐Conference of Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 2021 Challenges of Decarbonization Polices and Technological Innovations toward Carbon Neutral Societies in East Asia (2021)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstract
  • Presenter : Chandran R., Fujii M., Fujita T., Ashina S., Gomi K., Aizawa T., Kenji Uchida.
    Name of Society : Joint conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) - 12th Socio-Economic Metabolism section conference and 5th Asia-Pacific conference (2016)
    Name of Proceedings : Proceedings of the Joint conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) - 12th Socio-Economic Metabolism section conference and 5th Asia-Pacific conference
    Presenter : Ashina S.
    Name of Society : 2013 Greenhouse Gases Emissions Statistics and Energy Flow Sankey Diagram Seminar (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • 2050 Japan Low Carbon Sciety Scenarios
    Presenter : Ashina S.
    Name of Society : 2050 Taiwan GHGs Reductioon Pathway Forum (2013)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 4-1-4-16
  • Japan low-carbon society -Scenario development and policy implications-
    Presenter : Ashina S.
    Name of Society : Urban Plannn.Sustainable Dev. (2010)
  • Presenter : Ashina S.
    Name of Society : 7th Workshop GHG Inventories Asia(WGIA 7) (2009)
  • Modeling analysis for Low Carbon Society -(1)Japan's case
    Presenter : Ashina S.
    Name of Society : 18th Asia-Pac.Semin.Clim.Change (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts
  • Presenter : Fujita T., Ashina S., Gomi K.
    Name of Society : 5th NIES International Forum 5th International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia Fostering a Healthy and Sustainable Environment to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (2020)
    Name of Proceedings : Abstracts, 44
  • Development Trajectories, Emission Profile and Policy Actions: Lesson Learned from Japan's experience
    Presenter : Ashina S., Kainuma M.
    Name of Society : Workshop on Measuring Asia's Progress in Tackling Climate Change and Promoting Green Growth (2011)
    Name of Proceedings : Agenda of Workshop on Measuring Asia's Progress in Tackling Climate Change and Promoting Green Growth
  • Backcasting modeling: Tools for development of quantitative roadmaps towards(Sexy-) LCSs
    Presenter : Ashina S.
    Name of Society : 14th AIM Int.Workshop (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Comprehensive LCS modeling and its application to Japan
    Presenter : Ashina S.
    Name of Society : Toward Low-Carbon Soc.: Jpn.Scenarios Asian Challenge (2009)
    Name of Proceedings : -
  • Introduction to AIM/Backcasting model
    Presenter : Ashina S.
    Name of Society : AIM Train.Workshop 2008 (2008)
    Name of Proceedings : -