Index for the list of alien species in Japan
- [1] Ecol Soc Jpn (ed) (2002) Provisional list of alien species naturalized in Japan. pp. 298-361, Ecol Soc Jpn (ed) Handbook of Alien Species in Japan. Chijin-Shokan, Tokyo
- [2] Ecol Soc Jpn (ed) (2002) Handbook of Alien Species in Japan. Chijinshokan, Tokyo (in Jpn)
- [3] JWRC (ed) (2008) A Photographic Guide to the Invasive Alien Species in Japan. Heibonsha, Tokyo (in Jpn)
- [4] Ministry of the Environment, Japan. The Invasive Alien Species Act (Accessed on 2012-10-22)
- [5] 青森県 (2008) 青森県外来種対策学術調査報告書-青森県外来種リスト. (青森県 [編], 2008)
- [6] 報告書 兵庫県の外来生物対策にむけた提案. (兵庫県立 人と自然の博物館, 2005)
- [7] 愛媛県野生動植物の多様性の保全に関する条例に基づく侵略的外来生物の公表について. (愛媛県, 2009)
- [8] 千葉県の外来種(動物)現状等に関する報告書. (千葉県外来種対策(動物)検討委員会, 2010)
- [9] Ohdachi et al. (eds) (2009) The Wild Mammals of Japan. Shokado, Kyoto.
- [10] Fukui et al. (2003) New record of the Japanese house-dwelling bat, Pipistrellus abramus from Hokkaido. Mammal Sci. 43(1), 39-43 (in Jpn with Englis abst)
- [11] Ohdachi et a. (2004) Molecular phylogenetics of Crocidura shrews (Insectivora) in East and Central Asia. J Mammal. 85, 396-403.
- [12] Kawakami & Kanouchi (2012) The Handbook of Introduced Birds in Japan. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan, Tokyo (in Jpn)
- [13] 四国の外来鳥類. (森林総研四国支部, 2011)
- [14] Kuriyama et al. (2009) Introduction of the Japanese skink Plestiodon japonicus (Scincidae, Squamata), to Hachijojima Island, in the Izu Islands, Japan. Bull Herpetolo Soc Jpn. 2009(29, 124-127 (in Jpn)
- [15] Kato et al. (2010) Japalura swinhonis Günther (Squamata, Agamidae). Bull Biogeogr Soc Japan. 65, 9-12 (in Jpn)
- [16] Nakama (2008) The distribution of Japalura polygonata in Ibusuki city, Kagoshima Prefecture. Bulletin of the Kagoshima Prefectural Museum. 27, 65-66 (in Jpn)
- [17] Sueyoshi et al. (2007) Discovery of an established feral population of the okinawa tree lizard, Japalura polygonata polygonata (Squamata: Agamidae) in Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture. Bulletin of the Miyazaki Prefectural Museum of Nature and History. 28, 1-5 (in Jpn with English abst)
- [18] Ono (1994) Reptiles and Amphibians. In: Tokyo Electric Power Company & Tokyo Electric Power Service (eds) Report on a Basic Research for Environment of the Natural Park around Geothermal Sites of Hachijojima Island, the Izu Islands, Central Japan. The Tokyo Electric Power Company & Tokyo Electric Power Service, Tokyo, pp 256-262 (in Jpn)
- [19] 松井 (2005) DNA解析による外来種チュウゴクオオサンショウウオの生息確認. 河川環境管理財団. (Accessed on 2012-10-22)
- [20] Matsuzawa & Senou (2008) Alien fishes of Japan. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan, Tokyo (in Jpn)
- [21] 桐谷 (編) (1986) 日本の昆虫―侵略と攪乱の生態学. 東海大学出版会, 東京
- [22] Fujioka (2001) A list of Japanese Lamellicornia. KOGANE Supplement. The Japanese Society of Scarabeoideans, Tokyo, Japan (in Jpn)
- [23] Kohama & Takahara (2002) Exotic insects in Okinawa. Bull Okinawa Pref Mus. 28, 55-92 (in Jpn)
- [24] 藤田 (1984) 八丈島にてサツマゴキブリの生息を確認. 月刊むし. 163, 31-32
- [25] 岡部貴美子 (2010) 非意図的に導入される外来森林生物の現状と課題 ―タイワンタケクマバチおよび随伴侵入したタイワンタケクマバチコナダニの事例-. 海外の森林と林業. 79, 31-35
- [26] 我が国に定着している外来生物(昆虫類)のリスト(環境省).
- [27] 宮古島市総合博物館 (2010) 第14回企画展 宮古にもちこまれた動物たち ~どうしてここにいるんだろう?~. 宮古島市総合博物館
- [28] Kiritani (2000) Insect invasions in the world. Insectarium. 37, 224-235 (in Jpn)
- [29] 侵略とかく乱の果てに-神奈川の移入生物. (神奈川地球博 [編], 2003)
- [30] セアカゴケグモ等対策専門家会議報告書について (厚労省, 1996)
- [31] フェモラータオオモモブトハムシ. (三重県博, 2010)
- [32] 渡辺 (2002) 土壌動物の世界. 東海大出版会, 東京
- [33] ゴケグモ類の情報センター. (昆虫情報処理研究会, 2006-2012)
- [34] 梅沢 (1973) 伊豆八丈島に発生を見たアマミサソリモドキ. 植物防疫. 27(7), 289
- [35] Kanada et al. (2007) Distribution of an alien species, Crangonyx floridanus Bousfield (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Crangonyctidae) in Japan. Jpn J Limnology. 68(3), 449-460 (in Jpn with Englis abst)
- [36] Kawakatsu et al. (2007) Currently known exotic planarians from Japan. Jpn J Limnology. 68(3), 461-469 (in Jpn with Englis abst)
- [37] Yamaguchi et al. (2009) The introduction to Japan of the Titan barnacle, Megabalanus coccopoma (Darwin, 1854) (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) and the role of shipping in its translocation. Biofouling. 25(4), 325-333.
- [38] 山口ほか (2011) 外来種ココポーマアカフジツボの越境と遺伝的特性. 遺伝 生物の科学. 65(1), 90-97
- [39] Shimizu (ed) (2003) Naturalized Plants of Japan. Heibonsha, Tokyo (in Jpn)
- [40] Satake et al. (1989) Wild Flowers of Japan, Woody Plants [I]. Heibonsha, Tokyo (in Jpn)
- [41] 村上ほか (2008) 都市部へ移入・分布拡大したイヌケホシダ (Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E. P. St. John) のフリーフフェノロジー. 日緑工誌. 34(1), 261-264
- [42] Toyoda (ed.) (2003) Flora of Bonin Islands (Enlarged & Revised). Aboc, Kamakura (in Jpn)
- [43] スパルティナ・アルテルニフロラ(Spartina alterniflora)の概要 (環境省 中部地方環境事務所)
- [44] Satake et al. (1989) Wild Flowers of Japan, Woody Plants [II]. Heibonsha, Tokyo (in Jpn)
- [45] Alien Species List (compiled by Ministry of Environment)
- [46] Yamada et al. (2010) Invasive Alien Mammals in Japan. Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, Tokyo (in Jpn)
- [47] Alien Species List Established in Japan (compiled by Ministry of Environment)
- [48] Invasive Species of Japan (compiled by National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)
- [49] 藏滿ら(2019)First record of the invasive woodwasp, Urocerus albicornis (Hymenoptera: Siricidae), from a local forest in Japan Kuramitsu et al. 2019
Index for the list of alien species in Japan
- Contact:
- Dr. Koichi Goka <invasive (at)>
Invasive Species Research Team, Environmental Risk Research Center,
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan
Replace “(at)” with “@”.