National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan Invasive Species Database Japanese | English
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Invasive Species Database of Japan
Biodiversity Events
Invasive Species of Japan List of alien species in Japan Online Resources
Index for the list of alien species in Japan
Table of Contents | Mammals & Birds | Reptiles & Amphibians | Fishes | Beetles | Lepidopterans | Other insects | Other arthropods | Molluscs | Other animals | Non-angiosperm plants | Fabaceae | Other schizopetalous (1) | Other schizopetalous (2) | Other schizopetalous (3) | Asteraceae | Other gamopetalous | Poaceae | Other monocots | Other organisms
Index for the list of alien species in Japan

Dr. Koichi Goka <invasive (at)>
Invasive Species Research Team, Environmental Risk Research Center,
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan
Replace “(at)” with “@”.