National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
  1. Invasive Species of Japan >
  2. Insects >
  3. Bactrocera dorsalis

Bactrocera dorsalis

Basic information
Scientific name Bactrocera dorsalis (No picture)
Major synonym Dacus dorsalis
Common names oriental fruit fly
Higher taxon Tephritidae, Diptera, Insecta
Natural range Southeast Asia.
Habitat Parasite on various plants.
Invasion information
Range in Japan Eradicated by 1986 in Sakishima Islands, Okinawa Islands, Amami Islands, and Ogasawara Islands. Range in Japan
Origin Unknown.
Date The first record in Japan was in 1919 at Kadena, Okinawa Is. At the time, this species had already been distributed in the entire Okinawa Pref. The first records in Amami and Ogasawara Islands were in 1929 and ca. 1925, respectively. After, observed again in 2002 (eradicated by 2003).
Route Unknown.
Impact Actually: Damage on agriculture.
Native organism(s) affected: Fruits of citrus, guava, mango, papaya, tomato, etc.
Regulation in Japan Import of the followings are prohibited: fresh fruits of citrus (with some exceptions), barbados cherry, avocado, apricot, fig, Baccaurea sapida, strawberry, olive, Anacardium occidentale (cashew), indian laurel, Arenga englei, carambola, pomegranate, santol, plum, tahiti chestnut, alexandrian laurel, tomato, pear, date palm, papaya (with some exceptions), loquat, betel nut, grape (with some exceptions), peach, Terminalia catappa, Myrica rubra, rambutan, longan, apple, litchi (with some exceptions), wampi, and plants of the genera Bouea, Diospyros, Coffea, Capsicum, Passiflora, Solanum, Zizyphus, Spondias, Psidium, Artocarpus, Annona, Hylocereus (with some exceptions), Garcinia (with some exceptions), Eugenia, Mangifera (with some exceptions) and Lansium, and plants of the family Sapotaceae and mature banana. (the Plant Protection Law)
Introduced range in other countries Hawaii, Micronesia, French Polynesia, etc.
Reference Notes
  • Ecol Soc Jpn (ed) (2002) Handbook of Alien Species in Japan. Chijinshokan, Tokyo (in Jpn)
  • Plant Protection Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries & Okinawa Pref. (1991) Eradication of Oriental Fruit Fly from Japan. Plant Protection Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries & Okinawa Pref. (in Jpn with English abst)
  • Plant Protection Station (2011) Quarantine Pest List (The Annexed Table 1 of the amended Enforcement of Ordinance of the Plant Protection Law) (Accessed on 2012-3-07)
  • Plant Protection Station (2012) List of the Import Prohibited Plants (The Annexed Table 2 of the amended Enforcement of Ordinance of the Plant Protection Law) (Accessed on 2012-3-07)
  • etc.