National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
  1. Invasive Species of Japan >
  2. Insects >
  3. Parasa lepida

Parasa lepida

Basic information
Scientific name Parasa lepida

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Common names
Higher taxon Limacodidae, Zygaenoidea, Lepidoptera
Natural range South and southeast Asia, China
Habitat Live on various trees. Cherry, persimmon, Indian almond, mango, rose apple, etc.
Invasion information
Range in Japan Central to western Japan, Okinawajima Island. Range in Japan
Origin India or China
Date ca. 1920
Route Accidental: Hitchhiking on transport of trees.
Impact Binting against human, predation on various tree
Native organism(s) affected: Various trees.
Regulation in Japan Lamacodidae moths are designated as Quarantine Pests (the Plant Protection Law).
Introduced range in other countries Unknown.
Reference Notes
  • Nakano (2003) Distribution of blue striped nettle grab, Parasa lepida (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae), in Kanto District. House Household Insect Pests. 24(2), 61-62 (in Jpn)
  • Nakano & Takimoto (2011) Non-native species interactions between blue-striped nettle grub moths and assassin bugs in Japan. Jpn J Entomol (N.S.). 14(1), 11-22 (in Jpn with English abst)
  • Niwakagamania et al. (eds) (2003-2012) An Identification Guide of Japanese Moths Compiled by Everyone (Accessed on 2012-3-05) (in Jpn)
  • Plant Protection Station (2011) The Plant Protection Act. Quarantine Pest List. (Accessed on 2012-3-05) (in Jpn)
  • etc.
100 of the Japan’s Worst Invasive Alien Species

A study suggested that the existence of a predator Agriosphodrus dohrni suppress population density of Parasa lepida.