
National Institute for Environmental Studies Summer Open House, July 18 (Saturday), 2015

Plant your eco-seedling and watch it grow

June 23 (Tuesday), 2015
Public Relations Office, Planning Department
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Contact: 029-850-2308

   The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) is pleased to announce its annual Summer Open House on July 18 (Saturday), 2015.
   On the day there will be a large selection of events such as panels discussions aimed at teaching you more about global warming and energy; activities and displays which will let you observe and get some hands-on experience of some familiar creatures; guided tours of the attractions with explanations on current environmental topics and cutting-edge research in English; and access to many facilities and laboratories which are not normally accessible to the public. In addition, there will be an exhibition and prize-giving ceremony for the 4th NIES Picture Contest.

Overview of the NIES Summer Open House 2015

Date: July 18 (Saturday), 2015

Time: 09:30-16:00 (Reception closes at 15:00)

Venue: National Institute for Environmental Studies, Onogawa 16-2, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki

Application: No application necessary! Just turn up on the day.
Entry is free (groups of 15 persons or more should contact in advance)

What's in store at this year's NIES Summer Open House?

  • A wide variety of enjoyable and informative events to learn about environmental topics and research which can be enjoyed by children and adults alike
  • Over 70 displays, lectures and interactive activities
  • Exhibition and prize-giving ceremony for the 4th NIES Picture Contest. This year's theme is "What can YOU do for the environment?"
  • We are implementing the following initiatives in line with our efforts to encourage attendees to come to the event by means of eco-friendly transport
    ● Free Shuttle Bus between TX Tsukuba Station and Hitachino-ushiku Station and NIES
    ● Attendees who come by eco-friendly means such as by bicycle, on foot or on the free shuttle bus will be presented with a free LED key-ring

Selective Program Details (age restrictions and other conditions may apply)

Activities and interactive events

  • Tour de NIES: Generate electricity by bicycle: What’s your ranking? Find out and get a certificate!
  • The Little Shop of Gadgets…Part II (learn about metals in miniature consumer electronics)
  • Shark and octopus touch-pool
  • Let's analyze water
  • Detectives!: Go find those eco-docs
  • Learn about eco-living with toys

English language guided tour

  • This year there will be three tours: Tour A (10:30-11:30); Tour B (12:30-13:30); and Tour C (14:00-15:00)
  • All three tours will have different and exciting content (explanations on research, facilities and environmental issues in English, interactive activities, etc.)
  • Please come to the main reception if you would like to take part in the English language guided tour
  • Each tour will be limited to 20 participants; first-come, first-served


  • The challenge: puzzle me quiz-like at the science café
  • Econe-san's kiddie eco-quiz 2015


  • Panel discussion: Global warming mitigation and GHGs: How low should we go?
  • Mini-talk: “Chemicals around you and your Health”
  • Slide-show: Greenery and the creatures in nature


  • Show us your brain!: the MRI
  • Liquid nitrogen: the cool cat challenge

Exhibitions/Research Introductions

  • Biodiversity? Towards the Aichi Targets
  • Measure PM2.5


  • Exhibition and prize-giving ceremony for the NIES Picture Contest
  • Stamp Rally! – collect them and get some special flower seeds
  • All visitors to the NIES Open House will receive special NIES mementos including an original NIES Eco-bag
  • And much, much more!


  • There is limited parking and there is a significant chance that parking will be unavailable at NIES. Visitors are strongly encouraged to come to the event by means of eco-friendly transport such as the free shuttle bus, by bicycle or on foot, rather than using their own cars
  • Free Shuttle Bus
    ● From Tsukuba Express (TX) Tsukuba Station [right]: Buses depart every 5 to 10 minutes.
    ● From Hitachino-ushiku Station: From the east exit of Hitachino-ushiku station. Buses depart every 20 minutes

We look forward to welcoming you to the NIES Summer Open House 2015!