
The 11th Environmental Research Symposium –
“The frontline of environmental research on the hydrosphere and oceans”

October 10 (Thursday), 2013
Network for Environmental Research Institutions

 The Network for Environmental Research Institutions, comprised of 13 National and Independent Administrative Institutions and National Universities which are responsible for environmental research will convene the 11th Environmental Research Symposium on November 13 (Wednesday), 2013 at the Hitotsubashi Auditorium in Hitotsubashi University (Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo City) in order to widely report on and disseminate the respective outcomes relating to environmental research carried out by the different institutions.

 The current symposium will comprise ten lectures and takes as its theme: “The frontline of environmental research on the hydrosphere and oceans”. In addition, with a poster session including over 100 displays, each institution will comprehensively convey its latest research outcomes in environmental research. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the symposium.

1. Date and time

November 13 (Wednesday), 2013 Time: 12:00-17:45

2. Venue

Hitotsubashi Auditorium (in Academic Centre), Hitotsubashi University,
Hitotsubashi 2-1-2, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo 101-8439

3. Program

The program will consist of three sections with lectures centered on the following themes:
      ① Aquatic environment studies from upstream to downstream
      ② Aquatic environment studies focused on coastal regions
      ③ Aquatic environment studies from a global viewpoint

4. Entrance Fee

Free (on completion of registration)

5. Registration

Please complete registration from the following page (Japanese only): Finished

6. What is the Network for Environmental Research Institutions?

In order to address the various environmental issues with which we are currently confronted, without any bias towards particular fields of specialty, it is imperative that each specialist field be treated of from an integrated viewpoint. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly necessary to provide new platforms for the exchange of information and expertise, both to forge ties and to foster closer cooperation, in order to address the various needs relating to environmental research and its efficient and effective implementation.

To facilitate this exchange the Network for Environmental Research Institutions was established in 2002, between the participating National and Independent Administrative Agencies, and National Universities - who have since worked in close proximity.

The Network fulfills the following functions:
      ① Facilitation of mutual understanding
      ② Exchange of information on important outcomes of environmental research
      ③ Facilitation of collaboration in environmental research via closer contact

7. The following institutions currently comprise the membership of the Network for Environmental Research Institutions (current as of October 2013)

  • National Research Institute for Earth Sciences and Disaster Prevention (NIED)
  • National Institute for Material Sciences (NIMS)
  • National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES)
  • Forestry and Forest Proiducts Research Institute (FFPRI)
  • Fisheries Research Agency
  • National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM)
  • National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (AIST)
  • Meteorological Research Institute
  • Buildings Research Institute
  • Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI)
  • Public Works Research Institute (PWRI)
  • National Institute for Environmental Research (NIES)
  • University of Tsukuba

8. Contact

Network for Environmental Research Institutions, Headquarters

  • Mr. Nagasaki, Fisheries Research Agency, Research Promotion Division,
    Queen’s Tower B, 15F, Minato-mirai 2-3-3, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, JAPAN 220-6115
    Tel: 045-227-2679, Fax: 045-227-8545
  • Mr. Ebita, Meteorological Research Institute, 1-1 Nagamine, Tsukuba-shi, Ibarakai-ken 305-0052, Japan

9. Venue Access Map

Academic Centre: 3 minutes on foot from Jinbocho station or 4 minutes on foot from Takebashi station


10. Symposium schedule and content

[Please note: these lectures will all be conducted in Japanese– the below are English translations of the Japanese titles]

November 13 (Wednesday), 2013

Hitotsubashi Auditorium (in Academic Centre), HitotsubashiUniversity

13:00: Opening Remarks – Toshihiko MATSUSATO, President, Fisheries Research Agency

Aquatic environment studies from upstream to downstream

13:10: Lecture ①  Substance dynamics for forests and downstream discharge
Speaker: Masahiro KOBAYASHI, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute

13:30: Lecture ② From agricultural land to the hydrosphere - current circumstances of nitrogen load discharge
 Speaker: Sunao ITAHASHI, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences

13:50: Lecture ③ Conservation and regeneration of estuary brackish water
 Speaker: Keigo NAKAMURA, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management

14:10: Lecture ④ Development of detection method for water pollutants: precision detection method using nanomaterials and light
 Speaker: Tadaaki NAGAO, National Institute for Materials Science

Aquatic environment studies focused on coastal regions

14:30: Lecture ⑤ Marine phosphorus cycles research
 Speaker:  Masahiro SUZUKI, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

The lecture will be followed by a 15 minute break

15:05: Lecture ⑥ The frontier of marine research for the conservation of fishery environments
 Speaker: Keizo NAGASAKI, Fisheries ResearchAgency

15:25: ⑦ Ecological geotechnics of tidelands and sandy beaches
 Speaker: Shinji SASSA, Port and Airport Research Institute

Aquatic environment studies from a global viewpoint

15:45: Lecture ⑧ The frontline of arctic region environmental research: the hot topic of polar heating
 Speaker: Hiroshi TANAKA, University of Tsukuba

16:05: Lecture ⑨“One more CO2 problem” marine acidification and monitoring of marine CO2
 Speaker: Naohiro KOSUGI, Meteorological Research Institute

16:25: Lecture ⑩ Impact of climate change on coral: global warming and marine acidification
 Speaker: Hiroya YAMANO, National Institute for Environmental Studies

16:45 Closing Remarks - Yoshimitsu OKADA, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention

Poster Session

Display Times           12:00-17:45

Presentation Times  12:00-12:45, 17:00-17:45