Latest Update:2024/08/31 11:04:49

KONDO Miyuki

Researcher Name
KONDO Miyuki
Div (Section) name/title
Health and Environmental Risk Division(Environmental Measurement and Analysis Section)/Senior Researcher
Research Subject
Radiocarbon-based residence time of soil organic carbon:case study for the density fractionation for volcanic ash soil
Professional Qualification(s)
Chemistry,Biology,Agricultural Science
Environmental Speciality Field
Carbon-cycle,Isotope ecology
Membership of Academic Society
Ecological Society of Japan,AGU,Japan Geoscience Union,Japanese Society of Pedology
Research Subject
  • Fiscal Year: 2024
    • 26908 : Studies on enhancement of environmental chemical measurements
    • 26909 : Analysis and measurement with fundamental instruments for the promotion of environmental studies
  • Fiscal Year: 2023
    • 26684 : Quantitative evaluation of mid- to long-term ecosystem response and carbon sequestration function by applying biochar to forest ecosystems
    • 26705 : Analysis and measurement with fundamental instruments for the promotion of environmental studies
    • 26706 : Studies on enhancement of environmental chemical measurements
  • Fiscal Year: 2022
    • 26172 : Analysis and measurement with fundamental instruments for the promotion of environmental studies
    • 26173 : Studies on enhancement of environmental chemical measurements
    • 26306 : Quantitative evaluation of mid- to long-term ecosystem response and carbon sequestration function by applying biochar to forest ecosystems
    • 26311 : Does fine root production in the deep soil layer support high carbon storage capacity in mangrove ecosystems?
  • Fiscal Year: 2021
    • 25798 : Analysis and measurement with fundamental instruments for the promotion of environmental studies
    • 25799 : Studies on enhancement of environmental chemical measurements
  • Fiscal Year: 2020
    • 25384 : Development of analytical methods for environmental samples using AMS
  • Fiscal Year: 2018
    • 24615 : Development of analytical methods for environmental samples using AMS
  • Fiscal Year: 2017
    • 24131 : Development of analytical methods for environmental samples using AMS
    • 24221 : Dynamics of Soil organic matter in a mangrove forest on an estuary of the Trat River, eastern Thailand.
    • 24222 : The effect of biocar on carbon sequestration and ecosystem functions in a deciduous forest.
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
    • 23686 : Observation for evaluation of soil organic carbon decomposition and response of carbon dynamics in the Arctic terrestrial ecosystem to permafrost thaw.
    • 23691 : Dynamics of Soil organic matter in a mangrove forest on an estuary of the Trat River, eastern Thailand.
    • 23696 : The effect of biocar on carbon sequestration and ecosystem functions in a deciduous forest.
  • Fiscal Year: 2015
    • 23024 : Precise measurement of chemical substances and isotope ratios for environmental chemodynamics research
    • 23290 : Observation for evaluation of soil organic carbon decomposition and response of carbon dynamics in the Arctic terrestrial ecosystem to permafrost thaw.
    • 23292 : The effect of biocar on carbon sequestration and ecosystem functions in a deciduous forest.
    • 23294 : Dynamics of Soil organic matter in a mangrove forest on an estuary of the Trat River, eastern Thailand.
    • 23297 : Time-Spacial variations of carbon budget of Arctic terrestrial system under globar warming climate
    • 23299 : Elucidation of chemical transition process of terrestrial DOC in view of molecular level by 1H NMR spectroscopy using an unique pulse method.
  • Fiscal Year: 2014
    • 22612 : Precise measurement of chemical substances and isotope ratios for environmental chemodynamics research
    • 22868 : Observation for evaluation of soil organic carbon decomposition and response of carbon dynamics in the Arctic terrestrial ecosystem to permafrost thaw.
  • Fiscal Year: 2013
    • 22196 : Precise measurement of chemical substances and isotope ratios for environmental chemodynamics research
    • 22429 : Study on chemical composition and source of airborne particles
    • 22518 : Variation of terrestrial ecosystem in pan-Arcitic region and their influence to the Arctic climate system
    • 22519 : Developing methods for the permafrost melting rate using radiocarbon analysis of dissolved methane in the lake water
    • 22520 : Time-Spacial variations of carbon budget of Arctic terrestrial system under globar warming climate
    • 22521 : Development of paleo sea surface temperature estimate using GDGTs of organic moleculars of marine archaea membrane lipids and their application to paleoclimate study
  • Fiscal Year: 2012
    • 21767 : Precise measurement of chemical substances and isotope ratios for environmental chemodynamics research
    • 21811 : Chemodynamics and characterization of elements in environment and organisms
    • 21835 : Study on chemical composition and source of airborne particles
    • 22047 : Radiocarbon
    • 22079 : Observation for evaluation of vulnerability in future warming of the Arctic terrestrial ecosystem and their modeling research
    • 22101 : Variation of terrestrial ecosystem in pan-Arcitic region and their influence to the Arctic climate system
    • 22102 : Developing methods for the permafrost melting rate using radiocarbon analysis of dissolved methane in the lake water
    • 22138 : Development of GHG observation by GOSAT and its data analysis
  • Fiscal Year: 2011
    • 21325 : Precise measurement of chemical substances and isotope ratios for environmental chemodynamics research
    • 21364 : Chemodynamics and characterization of elements in environment and organisms
    • 21553 : Study on chemical composition and source of airborne particles
    • 21699 : Radiocarbon
    • 21700 : Development of soil carbon dynamics model based on available residence times of each soil compartment
  • Fiscal Year: 2010
    • 21024 : Study on chemical composition and source of airborne particles
    • 21128 : A quantitative analysis of the mechanisms of soil organic carbon accumulation and an experimental evaluation of their effects on climate change
    • 21133 : Development of soil carbon dynamics model based on available residence times of each soil compartment
    • 21138 : Sources of PAHs in Asian countries and their long transport process
    • 21139 : Origins of organic aerosol in East Asia and the North Pacific and their long transport and transformation
    • 21152 : Soil microbial decomposition potential of fossil carbon associated with permafrost soil caused by Arctic warming
    • 21164 : Observation for evaluation of vulnerability in future warming of the Arctic terrestrial ecosystem and their modeling research
    • 21173 : Influence of experimental warming on the decomposition of soil organic matter from a cropping field: Insight from radiocarbon analysis of soil respired CO2
    • 21184 : Radiocarbon
    • 21230 : Black carbon
  • Fiscal Year: 2009
    • 20514 : Study on chemical composition and source of airborne particles
    • 20686 : Development of soil carbon dynamics model based on available residence times of each soil compartment
    • 20688 : Soil microbial decomposition potential of fossil carbon associated with permafrost soil caused by Arctic warming
Research Result (Publication)
  • all
  • Original Paper
Research Result (Presentation)
  • all
  • Research Presentation