National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
  1. Invasive Species of Japan >
  2. Invertebrates (except insects) >
  3. Typopeltis stimpsonii

Typopeltis stimpsonii

Basic information
Scientific name Typopeltis stimpsonii

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Common names Amami whipscorpion
Higher taxon Thelyphonidae, Thelyphonida, Arachnida, Arthropoda
Natural range Ryukyu Archipelago (Izenajiam, Tokunoshima, Amami-oshima, Kuchinoerabujima, Iojima, and Takeshima Is., and Tokara Islands), Kamikoshikijima Is., Satsuma Peninsula (mainland of Kagoshima Pref.), and Ushibuka (a part of Amakusa, Kumamoto Pref.).
Ushibuka population is possibly non-native.
Habitat Under stones and logs in montane region, around farm area, park, etc.
Invasion information
Range in Japan Established on Hachijojima Is. (Izu Islands). The population in Ushibuka, Amakusa, Kumamoto Pref. is possibly non-native. This species is sometimes recorded in Honshu and Shikoku accidentally. Range in Japan
Origin Possibly Amamioshima Is.
Date The first record in Hachijojima Is. was arround 1968.
Route Accidental: Hitchhiking on transport of ornamental cycad (Cycas revoluta) from Amamioshima Is.
Impact Unknown.
Regulation in Japan This species is protected as a Natural Monument in Kumamoto Pref.
Introduced range in other countries None.
Reference Notes
  • Aoki (ed) (1999) Pictorial Keys to Soil Animals of Japan. Tokai University Press, Tokyo (in Jpn)
  • Hachijo Visitor Center (2003-2009) Creatures on Hachijojima (Accessed on 2010-10-25) (in Jpn)
  • Itokawa et al. (1985) Chemical investigation of the spray of the Asian whipscorpion. Jpn J Sanit Zool. 36(1), 65-66.
  • Kumamoto Pref. (2009-12-16) Typopeltis stimpsonii in Ushibuka (Accessed on 2011-6-01) (in Jpn)
  • Nakano (2009) Occurrence case of whipscorpion, Typopeltis sp. (THELYPHONIDA, Thelyphonidae), at office building in Tokyo. House Household Insect Pests. 31(1), 47-49 (in Jpn)
  • etc.
This species is sometimes found in ornamental plants transported from Hachijojima Is. Secondary dispersal from non-native range can occur.

There is a record of occurrence of a whipscorpion population (species unknown) for 5 or 6 years on Izuoshima Is., Izu Islands, after W.W.II (detailed period unknown).