National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
  1. Invasive Species of Japan >
  2. Amphibians Alert List >
  3. Bufo terrestris

Bufo terrestris

Basic information
Scientific name Bufo terrestris

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Major synonym Anaxyrus terrestris
Common names Southern toad
Higher taxon Bufonidae, Anura, Amphibia
Natural range Southeastern USA.
Habitat This species occurs in dry and wet habitat such as gardens in human houses. In daytime, this species hides under soil, log, etc.
Invasion information
Range in Japan Not established in Japan Range in Japan
Origin Unintroduced to Japan.
Route Deliberate: This species was traded as a pet animal.
Impact Potentially: Predation, competition, venomous to predators.
Native organism(s) affected: Small invertebrates (predation). Native frogs (competition). Snakes eating frogs and toads (venomous).
Regulation in Japan No action for prevention, mitigation, control, or eradication.
Introduced range in other countries Under Construction.
Reference Notes
  • Conant & Collins (1991) A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians. Eastern/Central North America 3rd ed.. Houghton Mifflin, Boston.
  • Frost (2009) Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 5.3 (12 February, 2009). . AMNH, New York, USA.
  • Ministry of the Environment, Japan. The Invasive Alien Species Act (Accessed on 2012-7-04)
  • Nagasaka (ed) (1996) Picture Book of Reptiles & Amphibians. Pisces (in Jpn)