9th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space


Yokohama Bay Bridge




Abstract Submission

Access & General Information

Welcome to the website of 9th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS) which will be held on May 29 pm (Wed) - 31 (Fri), 2013, Yokohama, Japan

Venue:   Yokohama Symposia

Industrial Trade Center 9F, 2 Yamashita-Cho, Naka-Ku, Yokohama-city, 231-0023 Japan

Key Deadlines:

Abstract Due:             April 5, 2013 (JST) Closed

Registration Deadline: May 7, 2013 (JST) Closed

Workshop Agenda : Please Look at the Schedule

Success in space-based global measurement of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide and methane, is critical for advancing the understanding of carbon cycle. Space-based GHG measurement, however, poses a wide array of challenges, many of which are complex and thus demand close international cooperation.

The goal of this workshop is to assess the latest science and technologies in spaceborne measurement of greenhouse gases. In addition to the results of ongoing activities in this community, the workshop will address new scientific findings obtained from the current and past missions (GOSAT, AIRS, SCIAMACHY, TES, and IASI) as well as the concepts of the next-generation remote-sensing missions that are in preparation (OCO-2, OCO-3, MERLIN, TanSat, GOSAT-2, CarbonSat, MicroCarb, A-SCOPE, ASCENDS, etc.). Research topics covered in the workshop include instrument calibration, data retrieval algorithm development, data validation, satellite data assimilation, surface flux estimation, satellite data application, and ground-based/airborne GHG measurement.

The workshop is organized around a series of plenary oral presentations and other oral/poster sessions.

A complete agenda will be available on "Schedule" page.

IWGGMS-9 Committee members

o Hartmut Boesch (University of Leicester, UK)    [IWGGMS-7]
o David Crisp (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA)  [IWGGMS-8]
o Tatsuya Yokota (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)  [IWGGMS-9]
o Gen Inoue (University of Tokyo, Japan)  [GOSAT Science Team Chief Scientist]

Local Organizing Committee members

o Akihiko Kuze (SAPC, JAXA)
o Shamil Maksyutov (CGER, NIES)
o Tsuneo Matsunaga (CEMA, NIES)
o Isamu Morino (CGER, NIES)
o Kei Shiomi (EORC, JAXA)
o Tatsuya Yokota (CGER, NIES)
o Yukio Yoshida (CGER, NIES)


Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
National Institute for Environment Studies (NIES)
Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan (MOE)

JAXA Logo NIES Logo MOE Logo


For inquiries, please contact the secretariat.
IWGGMS-9 Secretariat
E-mail: soc-info[at]nies.go.jp