National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
  1. Invasive Species of Japan >
  2. Vascular plants >
  3. Froelichia gracilis

Froelichia gracilis

Basic information
Scientific name Froelichia gracilis

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Froelichia gracilis Froelichia gracilis
Major synonym Froelichia braunii, Oplotheca gracilis
Common names Slender snakecotton, Snake-cotton
Higher taxon Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllales, Magnoliophyta
Natural range Southern part of North America.
Habitat Sea coast.
Invasion information
Range in Japan Osaka and Hyogo Pref. Range in Japan
Origin Unknown
Date It was found at Hamadera coast in about 1932
Route Unknown
Impact Unknown
Regulation in Japan Not regulated
Introduced range in other countries Unknown.
Reference Notes