National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
  1. Invasive Species of Japan >
  2. Vascular plants >
  3. Convolvulus arvensis

Convolvulus arvensis

Basic information
Scientific name Convolvulus arvensis

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Common names Field bindweed,Small bindweed, Field morningglory
Higher taxon Convolvulaceae, Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Magnoliophyta
Natural range Europe.
Habitat Farm area, fruit garden, pasture, roadside, vacancy, etc.
Invasion information
Range in Japan Almost entire Japan Range in Japan
Origin Unknown.
Date Introduced in ca. 1900. Spread within Japan since 1940s.
Route Deliberate: As ornamental plant.
Accidental: With railway transportation of imported crops, spread within Japan
Impact Competition with native species and crops. Parasite (insects, fungi, viruses, nematodes).
Native organism(s) affected: Native grasses and crops.
Regulation in Japan International trade is legally restricted in Japan.
Introduced range in other countries North and South America, Oceania, Asia, Europe, Africa.
Reference Notes
  • DECO (ed) (2006) Dictionary of Alien Species. Tokyo-Shoseki, Tokyo (in Jpn)
  • Jpn Assoc Advanc Phyto-Regul & Inst Contr Agrochem, Minist Agr, China (2000) Chinese Colored Weed Illustrated Book. Zenkoku-Noson-Kyoiku-Kyokai, Tokyo
  • JWRC (ed) (2008) A Photographic Guide to the Invasive Alien Species in Japan. Heibonsha, Tokyo (in Jpn)
  • Ministry of the Environment, Japan. The Invasive Alien Species Act (Accessed on 2011-1-26) (in Jpn)
  • Osada (1976) Colored Illustrations of Naturalized Plants of Japan. Hoikusha, Osaka (in Jpn)
  • Satake et al. (1981) Wild Flowers of Japan, Herbaceous Plants [III]. Heibonsha, Tokyo (in Jpn)
  • Shimizu (ed) (2003) Naturalized Plants of Japan. Heibonsha, Tokyo (in Jpn)
  • etc.