National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
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  2. Fishes Alert List >
  3. Morone saxatilis

Morone saxatilis

Basic information
Scientific name Morone saxatilis (No picture)
Common names Striped bass, Striped sea-bass
Higher taxon Moronidae, Perciformes, Actinopterygii
Natural range Atlantic coast of North America and St. Lawrence River, Canada
Habitat River and coastal sea.
Invasion information
Range in Japan Not established in Japan. There are recent records in Tokyo Bay and Kasumigaura Lake. Range in Japan
Origin California, USA
Date Introduced in 1927, 1972, and 1973.
Route Deliberate: Hybrid with white bass (M. chrysops) was used for game fishing.
Impact Potentially: Competition with and predation on native aquatic animals
Native organism(s) affected: Fishes, crustaceans, etc.
Regulation in Japan Import, transport and keeping are prohibited by the Invasive Alien Species Act. In England and Wales, keeping and release of the genus Morone are prohibited.
Introduced range in other countries Iran, Turkey, South Africa, Canada (British Columbia), Mexico, Ecuador, Hawaii, etc.
Reference Notes
  • DECO (ed) (2006) Dictionary of Alien Species. Tokyo-Shoseki. (in Jpn)
  • Froese & Pauly (eds) (2009) FishBase (Accessed on 2011-1-06)
  • JWRC (ed) (2008) A Photographic Guide to the Invasive Alien Species in Japan. Heibonsha. (in Jpn)
  • etc.
Morone chrysops × Morone saxatillis is Invasive alien species (Invasive Species Act)