Fossil-fuel CO2 emission estimates at 1x1 km in Tokyo

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The product includes annual total fossil-fuel CO2 emissions from point, line, and area sources at 1x1 km spatial resolution in Tokyo in 2014. The emissions were estimated using a bottom-up approach with detailed activity data including the operating ratios of power plants, load factors of vessels, fossil-carbon contents of waste, emission factors for fossil-fueled power generation, aircraft movements, navigation, and combustion processes.


Release date
Temporal coverage
2014/01/01 - 2014/12/31
Data provider
Email: cgerdb_admin(at)
File format
Data volume
192 kB
ver.1.0 (Last updated: 2021/01/29)

Data Set

fossil-fuel CO2 emissions
Time resolution
Spatial resolution
1x1 km
Calculation method
Fossil-fuel emissions from 8 sectors, namely electricity generation, waste incineration, civil aviation, waterborne navigation, road transport, industrial and commercial, residential, and agricultural emissions were estimated using a bottom-up approach with statistical data such as the national census data. For more details, please refer to the preprint (doi:10.21203/
Models/Analyses > Models
Atmosphere > Atmospheric Chemistry > Carbon and Hydrocarbon Compounds > Carbon Dioxide
[Free keywords]
Fossil fuel emissions, Carbon dioxide, CO2, Tokyo, Bottom up approach
Update history
Version 1.0 was released (ver.1.0)

Reference Information

Supplementary Materials
Map of total emissions in Tokyo
tokyo_all_source_ver.1.0.pdf (md5: ffcb7de6dc40042f15bc5499519adbaa)
Map of point-source emissions in Tokyo
tokyo_point_source_ver.1.0.pdf (md5: 974ec85d2070e80c8f917d8e5a484d59)
Map of line-source emissions in Tokyo
tokyo_line_source_ver.1.0.pdf (md5: 04bd4d27b507504c7050591fb3d59e41)
Map of area-source emissions in Tokyo
tokyo_area_source_ver.1.0.pdf (md5: 6f030fbc40d05cba66c856133030c328)
R. Cong, M. Saito, T. Oda, T. Fukui, R. Hirata, and A. Ito, A high-resolution, spatially explicit estimate of fossil-fuel CO2 emissions from the Tokyo Metropolis, Japan, 2020, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square (doi:10.21203/
R. Cong, M. Saito, R. Hirata, A. Ito, and S. Maksyutov:Exploration on quantifying carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from road traffic in megacity, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-4, 115-119, 2018, doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-4-115-2018.
R. Cong, M. Saito, R. Hirata, A. Ito, and S. Maksyutov: Visualization on fossil-fuel carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from buildings in Tokyo metropolis, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., IV-4, 21-25, 2018, doi:10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-4-21-2018.

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Citation format
When this data set is referred to in publications, it should be cited in the following format.
Richao Cong (2021), Fossil-fuel CO2 emission estimates at 1x1 km in Tokyo, ver.x.x*1, Center for Global Environmental Research, NIES, DOI:10.17595/20210129.001, (Reference date*2: YYYY/MM/DD)
*1 The version number is indicated in the name of each data file.
*2 As the reference date, please indicate the date you downloaded the files.

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If you need scientific advice or expert opinion regarding the contents or scientific validity of this data set or Products derived from it, we can provide an advisory service based on an individual contract, different from the above one.
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