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[ 平成4年度誌上発表 ]


D-1 彼谷邦光
原生動物学雑誌, 26 8-22(1993)
D-2 K.Kaya, T.Sano, M.M.Watanabe, F.Shiraishi, H.Ito
Thioic O-acid ester in sulfolipid isolated from freshwater picoplankton cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp.
Biochim.Biophys.Acta, 1169 39-45(1993)
D-3 彼谷邦光
環境適応における脂質分子の役割 −Sphingolipid 脂肪酸の直接α水酸化−
原生動物学雑誌, 27 1-4(1994)
D-4 河合崇欣
ニュートン, 13(12) 134(1993)
D-5 T.Sano, K.Nohara, F.Shiraishi, K.Kaya
A method for micro-determination of total microcystin contentin waterblooms of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
Intern.J.Environ.Anal.Chem., 49 163-170(1992)
D-6 Y.Huang*, Y.Shibata, M.Morita
Micro laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.1.instrumentation and performance of micro laser ablation system
Anal.Chem., 65 2999-3003(1993)
D-7 J.Radecki*, M.Soma, K.Satake, B.A.Whitton*
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic characterization of lead in aquatic bryophytes and mineral phases of pebbles in stream passing through a lead mine
Pol.J.Environ.Stud., 1(3) 39-41(1992)
D-8 M.Soma, A.Tanaka, K.Satake, H.Seyama
Charactarization of geological and biological samples by X-ray photoelection spectroscopy
Proc.Int.Workshop Dev.& Appl.Biochem. Methods Acid Rain Res.(223p.) , 187-205(1993)
D-9 遠藤治*, 田辺潔, 後藤純雄*, 溝口次夫*, 松下秀鶴*
衛生化学, 39(6) 554-559(1993)
D-10 T.Fujii, H.Tokiwa*, H.Ichikawa*, H.Shinoda*
An ab initio characterization of Li(+) complexes of benzen, phenol, pyridine and aniline
J.Mol.Struct., 277 251-262(1992)
D-11 T.Fujii, K.Syouji*
Identification of intermediate radicals in the CH4 microwave plasma by the Li((+) attachment method
Phys.Rev., 46(6) 3555-3557(1992)
D-12 T.Fujii, Y.Inagaki*, Y.Mitsutsuka*
Surface ionization mass spectrometry of biomolecules : amino acids, purine bases alkaloids
Int.J.Mass Spectrom.& Ion Processes, 124 45-52(1993)
D-13 T.Fujii, K.Syouji*
Mass spectrometric detection of neutral radicals in a CH4 microwave discharge by use of Li(+) ion attachment techniques
J.Appl.Phys., 74(5) 3009-3012(1993)
D-14 森田昌敏, 上岡真由美, 安原昭夫
環境化学, 3 797-833(1992)
D-15 阿部和子*, 古藤田一雄*, 森田昌敏
菅平盆地における土壌くん蒸剤 D-D の水系汚染に関する研究
筑波大水理実験セ報告, (16) 27-37(1992)
D-16 S.Manabe*, O.Wada*, M.Morita, S.Izumikawa*, K.Asakuno*, H.Suzuki*
Occurence of carcinogenic amino-α-carbolines in some environmental samples
Environ.Pollut., 75 301-305(1992)
D-17 森田昌敏
地球環境のための化学技術入門(小宮山宏編著, オーム社, 226p.), 12-47(1992)
D-18 森田昌敏
産業公害, 29 535-541(1993)
D-19 森田昌敏
新しい水環境基準とその分析法(森田昌敏, 石黒智彦編著, 環境化学研究会, 547p.), 15-71(1993)
D-20 S.Hashimoto*, S.Schneider*, M.Morita
Levels of 3, 3', 4, 4'-tetrachloroazobenzene in herbicides and bulk reagents
Chempsphere, 26 2161-2165(1993)
D-21 森田昌敏
プラスマイオン源質量分析(河口広司, 中原武利編, 学会出版セ, 228p.), 63-86(1994)
D-22 A.Yasuhara
Thermal decomposition of tetrachloroethylene
Chemosphere, 26 1507-1512(1993)
D-23 安原昭夫, 宇野由利子, 中杉修身*
環境化学, 3 539-547(1993)
D-24 安原昭夫
廃水の塩素処理による N-クロロアルドイミン類の生成
環境化学, 3 581-582(1993)
D-25 H.Nishikawa*, T.Katami*, A.Yasuhara
Contribution of an industrial waste incinerator to the atmospheric concentrations of volatile chlorinated organic compounds
Chemosphere, 27 1425-1432(1993)
D-26 K.Kawata*, M.Minagawa*, Y.Fujieda*, A.Yasuhara
Sampling method of organotion compounds in air using a quartz-fibre filter and an activated carbon-fibre filter for gas chromatographic determination
J.Chromatogr.A, 653 369-373(1993)
D-27 K.Kawata*, A.Yasuhara
Determination of fenitrothion and diazinon in air
Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol., 52 419-424(1994)
D-28 安原昭夫
PPM, (3) 23-29(1994)
D-29 J.Yoshinaga, Y.Shibata, M.Morita
Trace elements determined along single S rands of hair by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Clin.Chem., 39 1650-1655(1993)
D-30 T.Suzuki*, T.Hongo*, J.Yoshinaga, H.Imai*, N.Matsuo*, H.Akagi*
The Hair-organ relationship in mercury concentration in contemporary Japanese
Arch.Environ.Health, 48 221-229(1993)
D-31 吉永淳
新しい水環境基準とその分析法(森田昌敏, 石黒智彦編著, 環境化学研究会, 547p.), 86-89(1993)
D-32 Y.Yokouchi, H.Bandow*, H.Akimoto*
Development of automated gas chromatographiC-mass spectrometric analysis for natural volatile organic compound in the atmosphere
J.Chromatogr., 642 401-407(1993)


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