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Ref ID : 1299

Kiyoshige Koji, Utsumi Hideo, Shimbara Satoko, and Hamada Akira; [Colony formation assay using L-929 cells to micropollutants in water]. J.Japan Society on Water Environment 15(10):748-755, 1992


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Colony formation assay using L-929 cells was applied to 40 chemicals which were reported to occur in drinking water. In the 40 chemicals including 4 of specified chemical substances, 7 of pesticides, 19 of industrial chemicals and 10 of halogenated hydrocarbons, some of pesticides and halogenated hydrocarbons inhibited strongly the colony formation of L-929 cells, and the number and position of halogen in the chemicals influenced their cytotoxicities. The results were compared with those by the other cytotoxicity tests involving viability of HL-60 cells, phagocytic activity of mouse peritoneal macrophages, and LDH release or glycogenolytic activity of rat hepatocytes, and cytotoxicity matrix were obtained from the comparison of these four cytotoxicity tests. Availability of the cytotoxicity matrix is discussed to estimate the micropollutants in water.