National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
  1. Invasive Species of Japan >
  2. Vascular plants >
  3. Ipomoea hederacea

Ipomoea hederacea

Basic information
Scientific name Ipomoea hederacea

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Major synonym Pharbitis hederacea
Common names Ivyleaf morning glory
Higher taxon Convolvulaceae, Solanales, Magnoliopsida, Magnoliophyta
Natural range Tropical America
Habitat Roadside, riverside, etc.
Invasion information
Range in Japan Hokkaido, many parts of Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa. Range in Japan
Origin Unknown.
Date After W. W. II, by 1971
Route Accidental: With imported foods after W. W. II.
Deliberate: For horticulture in late 19 C
Impact Potentially: Carrying some agricultural pests (Cylas formicarius and Euscepes postfasciatus )
Native organism(s) affected: Crop plants.
Regulation in Japan Import of the genus Iomoea from the countries with Cylas formicarius Euscepes postfasciatus to Japan is prohibited by the Plant Protection Act.
Introduced range in other countries India, Southeast Asia
Reference Notes
  • Ecol Soc Jpn (ed) (2002) Handbook of Alien Species in Japan. Chijinshokan, Tokyo (in Jpn)
  • Ogaito, H. (2009, pers. comm., on distribution and microhabitat in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Pref.)
  • Osada (1976) Colored Illustrations of Naturalized Plants of Japan. Hoikusha, Tokyo (in Jpn)
  • Plant Protection Station (
  • etc.