National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
  1. Invasive Species of Japan >
  2. Fishes >
  3. Hypomesus nipponensis

Hypomesus nipponensis

Basic information
Scientific name Hypomesus nipponensis (No picture)
Common names Japanese smelt, Wakasagi
Higher taxon Osmeridae, Osmeriformes, Actinopterygii
Natural range Korean Peninsula and Japan (Hokkaido and middle to northern part of Honshu)
Habitat Sea coast, lakes and ponds, artificial lakes
Invasion information
Range in Japan Lakes and dam-lakes in almost entire Japan except small islands. Range in Japan
Origin Within Japan
Date Routinely released for fishing.
Route For food and sports fishing.
Impact Unknown impact.
Regulation in Japan Introduction of this species is prohibited in Shiga and Saga Prefs. Capture of this species is controled by several local governments.
Introduced range in other countries USA (from Japan in 1959)
Reference Notes
  • Froese & Pauly (eds) (2009) FishBase (Accessed on 2010-12-07)
  • Kawanabe et al. (eds) (2002) Freshwater Fishes of Japan, 3rd ed.. Yama-kei Publishers, Tokyo (in Jpn)
  • Matsuzawa & Senou (2008) Alien fishes of Japan. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan, Tokyo (in Jpn)