National Institute for Environmental Studies Invasive Species of Japan Japanese | English
  1. Invasive Species of Japan >
  2. Amphibians Alert List >
  3. Bufo typhonius

Bufo typhonius

Basic information
Scientific name Bufo typhonius

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Major synonym Rhinella margaritifera
Common names Leaf Litter toad
Higher taxon Bufonidae, Anura, Amphibia
Natural range Central and South America (eastern Panama to Amazonian South America).
Habitat Lowland forest.
Invasion information
Range in Japan Not established in Japan Range in Japan
Origin Unintroduced to Japan.
Route Deliberate: There were some importation as pet animals.
Impact Potentially: Predation on native small invertebrates, competition with native frogs and toads, toxic to frog and toad predators such as snakes.
Native organism(s) affected: Small invertebrates (predation), frogs and toads (competition), snakes (toxin)
Regulation in Japan Import, transport and keeping are prohibited in Japan by the Invasive Alien Species Act.
Introduced range in other countries Under Construction.
Reference Notes
  • Frost (2009) Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 5.3 (12 February, 2009). . AMNH, New York, USA.
  • etc.